Is This A MINI-SCANDAL In Kentucky?

by AngryXJW 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • dungbeetle

    I think the truth is somewhere in between. This is a war for people's lives, and NO weapon should be turned down. thanks for the research and the headsup AJW.

    Messenger: For myself, I think the positive factor here is that Watchtowerites walk around with their head held high bragging to the unknowing population how 'clean' and 'undefiled' they are and how they are not involved in 'politics'...AJW's info is another example of how that CANNOT be true.

    You showed it yourself, messenger; we are NOT uninvolved and so JW's can't go around caliming that.

    Good points on both sides (that can be said without the angry words) and thanks to you all.

  • SYN

    Dude, I wasn't degrading your post, I just thought of that euphimism and I had to use it! It is a good point that every weapon we have must be pressed into action to help rescue the Dubs! And notice that I did say that you could make Dubs feel guilty about it by mentioning the banned product endorsements/sales of this company. Remember, for Dubs, guilt = religion. Therefore guilt is a very powerful tool.

  • JanH


    Yes, it's a small, unimporyamt thing for everyone that know the big picture about the WTS, but most JWs will not. If some local JWs are genuinly upset about it, it's well worth looking into. Good work.

    - Jan

  • AngryXJW

    Missenger:_______You obviously don't have sufficient BRAIN POWER to understand what I have very CLEARLY outlined above. That is, that KFB Insurance is ONLY AVAILABLE to those persons who VOLUNTARILY become DUES PAYING MEMBERS of an organization which is heavily involved in POLITICS and TOBACCO.________If JWs do not want to financially support and be a official MEMBERS of such an org, then they are free to buy insurance from any of the hundreds of other insurance companies who DO NOT REQUIRE people to SEPARATELY finance and support their political causes._______Are you really this STUPID, or is "Messenger" the flame account for one of those that just can't stand for a non-cliquer to come up with something new?_______This scenario is not analogous to buying magazine sbscriptions, fried chicken, or any or your other ludicrous comparisons.________Crawl back under the rock you normally stay under.

  • FreeFallin


    Don't forget to remind your friend of the witnesses in Malawi who were killed and tortured because their "conscience" wouldn't allow them to buy a lousy 25cent political card.


  • AngryXJW

    Thanks to DB, Jan, FreeF, and the others who have been positive._____ I would point out that I labeled this a "MINI-scandal", and that the JW (a female) seemed to be "SLIGHTLY stumbled".______I posted this because she typically "listens" to my "news" about the UN, molesters, etc, BUT then makes whatever excuses she can to get the WTS off the hook. MY OPINION is that her ho-hum attitude is because she is never involved first-hand in anything I tell her about (as is true of most JWs who easily dismiss the significance of the aforementioned "scandals")._______However, in this scenario, she had listened in on a conversation that came across to her as one that indicated that many Kentucky JWs had been passing the word around to each other that "KFB" was THE company for JWS to buy "cheap" insurance. When relating the story to me, she even mentioned that some other female JWs had said they had their "business" and "homeowners" insurance with "KFB". She wasn't sure who all the people were that were talking, so she wasn't sure if they were "duplicates" with those that had purchased "KFB" auto insurance._______Anyway, as many JWs are, when she got her renewal bill, she thought it a good idea to follow the other JWs' lead and check out "KFB"._______When the agent told her over the phone that she would have to become a KFB member, she was totally caught off guard. In the back of her mind she "thought" that the larger KFB org was involved in things tat she did not want anything to do with.______A visit to their website confirmed such, and now for the first time that I've seen, she is questioning the actions of those JWs who didn't give a second thought to signing up as a DUES PAYING MEMBER of this outfit.______She certainly understands the difference in buying insurance from KFB and Allstate.______After talking with her, I realized that although this issue is limited geographically, IT IS ONE IN WHICH SEVERAL JWs in that state can see FIRSTHAND the irregularity of doing something that may be "the thing to do" for many Kentuckian JWs, and particularly Elders, since they are the ones who communicated inter-congregationally most frequently.

  • yrs2long


    If my beloved sister were to stumble even ever so slightly at the idea of an elder doing the california roll at a stop sign I would do my utmost to work that fact into her consciousness on a daily basis. It's a chip but I'd use it to my advantage until such time that I could get her to see all of the other evidence about the watchtower.

    Keep up the good work.

  • blacksheep
    blacksheep the ends justify the means for some of you? JW's aren't exploit that fact in order to get people to see that it's not the "truth."

    Seems just as manipulative as some of the JW tactics to me. In fact, THAT'S one of the key things my JW mother LOVED to do: point out people's faults (and "hypocracy"), esp those in other religions, to try to knock down the religion itself. Didn't work for me: in fact, it was a BIG turnoff.

    To each his own, however.

  • Hmmm


    JW's aren't exploit that fact in order to get people to see that it's not the "truth."

    When one of the "truths" they teach is that they stand out from the world by their high moral standards? Absolutely.

    Getting members to see that these fanciful claims of nearly perfect people being part of a perfect spiritual organization are arrogant and baseless is often the first step.

    My mother's knee-jerk reaction to the UN scandal was "where else is there to go?" It's the mini-scandals that eventually help victims see that you can go just about anywhere and at least be no worse off.


  • AngryXJW

    Blacksheep:________If you were as good at "listening" as you are at talking, you would understand that this is NOT a situation of an imperfect JW who has erred from the WTS path, with some of us wanting to exploit that solitary person's error.________I don't have a video tape of the "DA poolside conversation" to give you, BUT AGAIN, the impression that "Kentucky JW Female" got was that the "Kentucky JW Grapevine" had been recommending, for some period of time, "KFB" as a cheap source of insurance._______Just within this small conversation circle, there were 2-4 families who were "KFB Members".________Obviously, noone can put a finger on the grand total in KY, but for those of us that have been around JWs all our lives, we have seen JWs play "follow the leader" in many different aspects of the lives, from food, vitamins, health care, etc, etc.________In this sisters case, two elders were recommending joining, and paying dues to, an organization that promotes issues contrary to WTS teachings.

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