Missing the Target for 125 Years!

by JanH 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    Good post, but for the majority of Witnesses, it wouldn't make any difference to them even if they did read this, because we all know that every single time the GB has "predicted" something, and it hasn't happened (100% chance of this happening), that they use the lame excuse "the light gets brighter and brighter" as a cop-out to all their failed "prophecies".

    Of course, anyone with half a brain could read that scripture "the path of the righteous one is like the light that gets brighter and brighter until the day is firmly established", as talking about the CHARACTER of a morally righteous person - it has absolutely NOTHING to do with attempted future telling like these bozos would have us believe.

    Actually, there was ONE thing that Brother Russell predicted would happen and it actually did: in one of his old books written in the late 1800s, he predicted that the Jews would one day return to Palestine as the scriptures fortold (I think in Isaiah). Unfortunately, Judge Booze Rutherford hated the Jews with a passion and promptly changed that 'prophecy' to mean that "spiritual Israel" would (somehow) "return" to 'the pure faith' and looked like an asshole of the first order when the Jews did, in fact, return to Palestine in the late 1940s.............then again, he was probably too high on bathtub gin to even notice. :-)

  • Simon

    Too true ... amazing how that have this notion in their heads of being so close to the end but don't think that they have been like that for 125+ years !!

  • ISP

    JanH, do you see them getting any better ....over the next 125 years?!


  • JanH


    JanH, do you see them getting any better ....over the next 125 years?!

    When I wrote the essay, it was 118 years, I think

    Perhaps they one day stop making silly predictions. That is the only way to stop making fools of themselves.

    - Jan

  • AjaxMan

    Good Post, JanH!!

    Like someone who posted here said,"If the predictions don't occur, the JWs say that the light gets brighter and brighter".

    Let me add that if a non-JW shows them how the WTS failed, the JWs will cry "PERSECUTION! Teh End is NEAR!"

  • TheStar

    Thanks Jan for all the work you put into this and your 1914 thread. Thanks for using your talent to help others.

    Now if I could just get my hand on the referenced material (old issues and literature) so that I would have solid proof to present to those I want to get out.

  • gsx1138

    Hey, awesome post. Did I miss the 1914 post? I'll have to search around for it.

  • teejay

    Very good overview of God's Mouthpiece's all-too-clear errors, JanH. The written word (theirs) has only bitten them in the butt over the years.

    I have in mind a handful of people who might get something from this research/documentation. If I can only get them to read it...

  • lauralisa

    bumping this awesome thang

  • Imbue

    I observed a bethelite make this comment during a WT study: "There were some that put undue emphasis on the year 1975 but it was not instructed from the WT." He was a such a kiss a** and a true climber at Bethel. He wouldn't think of associating with someone that couldn't do something for his career at Bethel. This person thought he was spiritually superior but I didn't even believe he was Christian.

    Jan, I really appreciate your observations and research ....Thanks for sharing!

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