Excellent post, JanH.
Thanks for sharing the info.
by JanH 22 Replies latest jw friends
Excellent post, JanH.
Thanks for sharing the info.
Excellent well-written concise article to keep for reference.
Liked your other recent articles as well.
Some great literary publication style, too--even emphasizing the first letter of the first paragraph.
The formatting of this article is good enough to publish, with the reference listing at the end and all.
Was this from "All Along the Watchtower"?
Anyway, thanks for this kind of material. Keeps me checking the board out from time to time.
standard brain dead response:"the light gets brighter and brighter", "sure, mistakes have been made in the past but we never claimed to be perfect" "That's why we don't read all the old publications anymore{said with a smirk and smile}, Jehovah's organization is a progressive one". "Why do you always try to be so negative? Please say something upbuilding."