An interesting theory on Stephen Lett

by joe134cd 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • joe134cd

    Interesting theory I thought on Stephen Lett. If anything I would of thought ToMo3 would of caused them more grief with his comments.

  • FadingTruth
    It doesn't seem to ring true. Lett has been getting more airtime and was blessed with the "historic" May broadcast
  • joe134cd
    Although I found it interesting. I have my doubts about this. Why would they axe him, when what he says would have to get approval and be edited from others in the organisation before been put on the Web site. I believe ToMo3 would be more of a liability with his comments than what Lett has ever been. ToMo3 would also have to go through much the same processes as Lett would have to as well. So bearing this in mind (well in my opinion anyway) if Lett gets the axe then so dose everyone else down the line who approved his comments (of which I think ToMo3 has more to account for)
  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    If the majority of the present G.B. climbed to the peak of the Org due to merit, ability, qualifications, and divine selection, they show great humility in hiding it so well! These men were parachuted into those positions for reasons which can only be guessed at for now.

    My guess - as fall-guys for the seismic changes being inflicted on the R&F. Someone has to take the rap when things go pear-shaped - and it won't be those in legal or financial positions.

  • Oubliette

    John Hoyle wrote: "But within the past few weeks, Stephen Lett seems to have become the true looney, the master clown, the odd man out of the current Governing Body."

    This is NOT a recent development. Lett has always been a fool.

    He is more responsible than any other person for my beginning to realize this religion is false.

    Back in the early years of this century he would give talks at our District Conventions. I could not stand to watch him because his style of delivery and mannerisms were just an embarrassment.

    My wife at the time would chastise me for not watching his talks, "You're being disrespectful to the anointed of Jehovah!" she would say.

    I would respond, "Look at him. He's a clown. I can't stand to watch him!" Even though she didn't like what I was saying, she couldn't disagree.

    His buffoonery were instrumental in my realizing that there was no way in hell that any god would choose THAT GUY to represent him.

    That was one of the first loose threads for me. Once I started to pull on it and a few more, the whole thing began to unravel.

  • joe134cd
    I think it's particularly unfair to place blame entirely on Lett. But then again (as no doubt he will find out) Wt plays by its own rules. Why did it take them 65 years to realize that the guy was embarrassing them by his delivery style. Why is it just him with his head on the block. What about all the others under him who rubber stamped it, before it went to air. Don't they have a measure of responsibility as well. Has Letts comment been any more off the wall than ToMo3. I think he's more of a lose cannon.

    It`s just speculation by people who have no authority within the WBT$..

    Lett isn`t going anywhere except to the next WBT$ Assembly or JW.ORG Broadcasting Side Show..


    ..........................EVERY CIRCUS NEEDS CLOWNS..

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    .................Image result for Clowns

  • _Morpheus
    Yea anyone who thinks theres a snowballs chance in hell of getting rid of lett proves only that they knowing about the org. If they dump a gb member it would be admitting he wasnt selected by HS. Never. Ever. Happen. Not just because hes a buffon. They knew that when they appointed him.
  • careful
    Yeah. For someone who claims special info on what's going on inside the org, this guy hasn't got a clue. Lett will leave the GB when he dies.
  • Vidiot

    He'll be staying.

    His slow, over-enunciated speaking style is a hit with older rank-and-filers who have trouble following the faster speech of young people.

    Besides, he's been on JWTV. If they yanked him all of a sudden, there'd be too much wondering why by said older rank-and-filers.

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