An interesting theory on Stephen Lett..
.............................A WATCHTOWER EXPERIMENT GONE WRONG..
by joe134cd 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
An interesting theory on Stephen Lett..
.............................A WATCHTOWER EXPERIMENT GONE WRONG..
The article is pure speculation, but I for one hope this ass clown remains front and center for many years.
His condescending speaking manner makes him look like and idiot to anyone with three functioning brain cells. Dude obviously is drunk on his power and position, and talks down to his audience. Any business CEO who had this guy as a spokesman would shitcan him in a New York second after listening to him talk for five minutes. Fortunately the GB has no checks and balances in place to remove an imbecile like this, barring the ultimate crime, apostasy.
I've said it before, this guy is creating apostates every time he gets up on stage. I'm sure after every convention a handful of JWs walk out of there recognizing what an ass clown he is, and some of them end up researching their religion.
During the RCs last part where Lett was introducing the new movie, he was giving some "spoilers" about the progression of the RNWT in my language. He jokingly said something like:
"If I tell you any more there might soon be six on the governing body"
Everyone laughed.