Last night's bible highlights: David was wrong to greive for his son!

by purrpurr 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    Jesus Christ is that for real!?

    And Umberto.....that made me physically angry to read. those guys need an open handed slap in the mouth.

  • label licker
    label licker
    But when someone's relative from bethel passes away, bethel will have at least four to six halls plumbed in to the funeral talk. But hey, we shouldn't make a big deal about one's death. I guess bethel's favorites really lack faith in god especially when bethel will print out a brochure on one of their beloved governing body members after they take a dirt nap. Sick, sick, sick, people!
  • Spectre
    This topic shows and confirms the thread that Terry started a while ago about how they, the gb and elders, are amateurs and unqualified at any theological discussion.
  • brandnew
    brandnew .....fuck them lames ! ! !
  • truthseeker100
    I was told that you shouldn't grieve for those even close to us that have died. They died in the truth so it's much more important to concentrate on making it through the Great Tribulation and Armageddon so that we could see our loved ones again after they are resurrected. I just sit back and thank the GB for providing the spiritual food that only them and their organization provides???
  • FusionTheism

    Come Be My Follower Book, Pages 152-153:

    5 Jesus was a man of deep empathy. He identified with and shared in the feelings of those who were suffering. Even though he did not share all their circumstances, he truly felt their pain in his heart. (Hebrews 4:15) When healing a woman who had suffered from a flow of blood for 12 years, he described her ailment as a “grievous sickness,” thus acknowledging that it had caused her great distress and suffering. (Mark 5:25-34) When he saw Mary and those with her weeping over the death of Lazarus, he was so deeply touched by their sorrow that he became inwardly agitated. Although he knew that he was about to resurrect Lazarus, Jesus was so moved that his eyes brimmed with tears.—John 11:33, 35.


    Insight Book (2015), Volume 1, Page 627:

    Because of their nature, dirges are associated with moaning and wailing (Eze 2:10), and at least some of them were written down and preserved. Second Chronicles 35:25 reports that Jeremiah chanted over deceased King Josiah and indicates that there once existed a collection of dirges (Heb., qi·nohthʹ), for it is there stated: “All the male singers and female singers keep talking about Josiah in their dirges down till today; and they have them set as a regulation over Israel, and there they are written among the dirges.”

  • WTWizard
    Seems they are trying to take away everything that makes us human. When times are fun, they squash that--simple pleasures as ice cream cones are viewed as stealing from joke-hova. And when a crisis happens, they want no reaction--death of one's child is always devastating. Either way, you are supposed to just go right back to serving joke-hova without slowing down.
  • Fisherman
    The son wanted to kill his father, but what father would not want to give his life in place so that his son could live and what father could ever find joy after his son is killed, and God had sworn to David that one of his sons would sit on his throne, But Absalom wanted to kill David and people were risking their lives to protect David. I suppose they could have captured him somehow and brought him back, but then what? There was no stopping Absalom. He was a dangerous killer and he put peoples lives in danger. Eventually, Absalom would have killed someone. David loved his son and would have gladly died in place of him.
  • Fisherman

    Timing is everything.

    Also for God. One cannot escape his justice. He will get you at the time is right.

  • punkofnice

    Oh, how the Watchtower tries to take control of natural emotions.

    This mind control cult really is becoming more evil all the time.

    I almost weep for the poor kids raised in the WBT$...what are the prospects?

    Slave for the WBT$, get abused or leave and get cut off. What kind of a life is that? What kind of people promote that?

    I hope the WBT$ goes down in flames!

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