Jaracz Witnesses

by messenger 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • messenger

    Well it appears Jaracz is alive and well and calling the shots. The DF article in the August KM is typical of a new breed of "witnesses" that started back in the mid 1980s when TJ started molding the organization into his image. First it was dumbing down the talks with no illustrations or creativity, then came the canned scriptures with the over simplified sermons at the door. The door to door ministry has become nothing more than magazine delivery routes for most long time witnesses with an additional brochure or paperback for the householder who is really really interested. The meetings have become monotonous reading of simple scriptures for repetition along with constant threats of moving literature or die. Sell or die, attend meeting or die, do what we say or die, do not listen to anyone else or die. Yes the organization is no longer known as Jehovahs Witnesses, they have arrived at a new terminology defined by the harsh leadership of the last twenty years, they are now "Jaracz" Witnesses molded in his image with his Hitler Youth appointments of MTS/SS men who will obey without morals or ethics the Watchtower agenda, aka Jaracz will. Wanna get ahead in this organization? Stab your best friend in the back, ignore the needs of the brothers and sisters, lose all your integrity and suck up to those "in charge" with total obedience without thought. Follow that thought process and you can be on the District Convention Program, do circuit work, serve on Quick Build Committees or any other in charge job that brings in money for Watchtower.

    Remember the story in the Bible of the young king who asked the older men how he should rule when he took over the kingdom? They said to act basically with more compassion. When he asked the young men, they said to become more strict and to hell with the consequences. The result? The young king lost ten tribes who split away.

    Today while most members deal with the stresses of trying to make a living and keep up with the JW agenda, Jaracz thinks his organization is made up of stupid dolts who have no will of their own other than being lazy bums who are goofing off and not moving enough literature. The problem is solved in his opinion by telling them they will be killed by God if they do not do more. The Jaracz Witnesses thus have their walking papers, do or die. What happens if you question this dementia? Read the August 02 KM, your God Jaracz will df your ass on no uncertain terms.

    Fxck the facts, fxck the compassion, fxck love, sell more magazines mother fxckers or we will fxck you up now, fxck up your family or at least make you believe when Armageddon comes you are fxcked.

    How long will it be before the Witnesses end their prayers with, "In Jaracz name we pray, Amen." Be proud you witlesses you no longer work for Jehovah, you now slave for your new master Jaracz, until death do you part (either you die selling magazines or you will be dfd for trying to think) either way he's got your ass, thus be proud of your new name,

    Jaracz Witnesses.

    Edited by - messenger on 14 July 2002 4:13:31

  • abbagail

    Yer soundin' a tad PO'd there msgr! ;)

    The young king, yes, I remember that, I liked it, and it bugs me I can't think of his name...

    Can we post a copy of that KM here, so everyone will know what you're raging about?

  • Gopher

    Has someone posted a scan of the August KM article in question? I'm sure it's a doozy!!

    It is so true that this organization is built on cruelty and power-grabbing. Anyone who has watched the elders in action in the past several years has seen that the harsh ones, the ones with the most "notches in their belt" definitely move ahead.

    But they'll continue to hide behind Jehovah's name, instead of acknowledging that this is mainly a man-made organization with man-made ideas , as the scripture by Solomon says, "man dominating man to his injury". Sad to see so many innocent people being injured.

  • Farkel


    That was a pretty powerful message, but do you have any evidence to share? You may e-mail me privately if you wish.

    I know a lot about Jaracz, by the way.


  • avengers

    The young king, yes, I remember that, I liked it, and it bugs me I can't think of his name...
    Rehabeam. 1 Kings 12:14.
  • eyeslice

    Gopher: There have been a couple of threads on the Aug KM insert. Mine, which I personally scanned and converted to text;



    from happy man.

    I share all the concerns expressed here on this board regarding the hard-line being taken on any one who strays from the laid down lay of the society.

    Of the many judicial committees I served on, only one resulted in someone being disfellowshipped, though on that occasion, I was not the chairman. I believe on other occasions, had I not been chairman, the decision not disfellowship would have gone the other way. Fighting the hardliners was never easy.

    The other problem is that when judicial matters arise, it is the hardliners that invariably put themselves forward to serve on the committee. Again, I have had real hard times trying to keep hardliners off JCs and get more liberal elders to volunteer.

  • abbagail

    Thanks Avengers for helping out my rusty memory... Rehoboam, yes. Solomon's son... and I used to know all these guys like they were part of the family... What a snotty little "punk" he turned out to be, eh? --- It pays to keep a Bible near the laptop, it's getting more use since reading xjw forums than it has in some time, sad to say & shame on me.

    And thanks to eyeslice... having been a single sis in the congs, it's always fascinating to hear what being an elder was really like, from someone who "was there" and not afraid to talk about it. I take it you had more of the generous forgiving spirit in the JC's... --- Also, thanks for the threads to the KM's. I'm heading over there now...

    And, Mr. Farkel (that name, what a prize!)... loved Mad Magazine as a kid. My brother turned me on to them... how the Mad Mag had the blurbs above everyone's head, showing what they were REALLY thinking... it used to crack me up big time. --- So whatdaya know about TJ? Is it private info? I wondered, not know messenger at all, if the info he expressed was opinion or fact... oh well, I'm sure this thread will grow by leaps and bounds before it's over...

    Thanks people!


  • avengers
    9. Relatives Not in the Household: "The situation is different if the disfellowshipped or disassociated one is a relative living, outside the immediate family circle and home," states The Watchtower of April 15, 1988, page 28. "It might be possible to have almost no contact at all with the relative. Even if there were some family matters requiring contact, this certainly would be kept to a minimum," in harmony with the divine injunction to "quit mixing in company with anyone" who is guilty of sinning unrepentantly. (1 Cor. 5:11) Loyal Christians should strive to avoid needless association with such a relative, even keeping business dealings to an absolute minimum. - See also The Watchtower of September 15, 1981, pages 29-30

    It's these kind of sayings that incite to violence. The leaders of the WT creep inside families, into the heart of them and destroys all families to the core. These saying affect me greatly and I'm at this moment very po'd.

    My son 13 and my daughter 11 were forced by their mother to attend the assembly. As a matter of fact as I write this that's where they are.

    I've warned in my posts that the WT has to stop saying these things if they want to stop violence against them. It seems as if they're taking a provocative stance.

    I foresee more violence against the WT. And the leaders will say it's Satan attacking us, but it's themself inciting to violence.

    This Governing Body is becoming more dangerous!! All you guys outthere with pyromania on the brain: "Do not fall for the propaganda of the WT" I myself feel this way, but do not, please and I stress this to the utmost,


  • SYN

    Yes people, listen to Avengers, do not lower yourselves to their level of emotional violence!

  • rosalyn


    You are so right about not acting out our frustrations about the organization tactics. Anything negative they can use towards us they will.

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