Jaracz Witnesses

by messenger 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    Gee Whiz are JW's allowed to breathe anymore without asking first!!

    Down with oppression, are these people ever going to wake up and smell the smoke and see its a one man show??

    Edited by - orangefatcat on 14 July 2002 8:3:15

  • minimus

    Many people are figuring out that nobody is going to tell them they can't talk to their relatives.Slowly but surely there's a change going on. If people keep getting whipped and made to feel like slaves, they are going to rebel.This is the beginning of the end.

  • dungbeetle

    I agree Minimus. Social pressures are forcing Witnesses to interact with family, whether Watchtower likes it or not. Here on the board we hear of a few here and there who follow through with the Watchtower shunning policies, but I think closer examination will show that it has nothing to do with Watchtower, it has to do with dysfunctional families, although individuals have trouble admitting it. Lots of shunning goes on in the world, having nothing to do with Watchtower.

    GO JW'S GO GO GO!!!

  • cruzanheart

    I said this in another forum and it bears repeating: the last time we got slammed with severe articles about how to treat disfellowshipped people like lepers was in 1981, which was right around the time Ray Franz was kicked out. It's obviously a tactic used to keep people from talking about what's REALLY going on and try to sever ties to anything except The Organization. Only if everything is kept secret can the abuse and lies continue.

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