Sometimes when I think back about when I was a dub, I get a little embarrassed. I remember telling my kids not to draw on Watchtower mags (I also had to tell their mother) I was a grown man and would let nerd elders counsel me for dumb things, like saying the word luck, or bulletin board. I remember getting to the end of the month and not having the cong average field service time and start to worry what the other elders and CO would say. I can remember staying out to late on Friday night, then drag my ass out of bed to go in field service Saturday, for Jehovah? No, so the brothers would not get upset! I can remember sleepless nights, because my conscience bothered me, because of the way my wife and I had sex (my wife is a freak yall). I remember making my boys wear ties to the KH when they were just 2 and 3 years old, my little girl had to wear a dress.
How about you?