Great Topic. Hits so close to home for all of us. LizardSnot..I feel your pain. As a child I was painfully shy. Growing up a Dubbie was certainly the way to bring me outa my shell....yeah, right. A shy person who is forced into being the most unpopular guy in school...oh yeah, there's gonna' be mental ramifications somewhere done the line. But the Borg knows best. I too grew up poor, wearing rummage sale "little man" suits being trained for the ministry...or if only...Bethel or Gilead. Hell, I just wanted a normal childhood but nobody asked me what I wanted. Everyday began with the official Pissing-Off of the school authorities by refusing the flag salute, followed by more celebrating with schoolmates over birthdays, holidays, or even socializing with them away from school. And I don't know why but I just couldn't get the school kids quite as excited about the Memorial as they got about Christmas, Halloween, etc. I began to live vicariously thru them. Oh how I envied the fun they had. So when I went to bed at night I prayed to be normal. Nobody was listening. I'm dating myself but I was around 8 years old when the Beatles hit big and everyone was wearing Beatle boots. I was not allowed...the tips were too pointy...probably something in Leviticus about that. I was later allowed to get some modifed shoes with slightly pointy tips. Of course the elder-cowboys in the hall were wearing pointy-tip cowboy boots....something in Leviticus probably says that's okay. Sorry, rambling...could go on forever but don't wish to bore you to death.