
by WildTurkey 41 Replies latest jw friends


    Great Topic. Hits so close to home for all of us. LizardSnot..I feel your pain. As a child I was painfully shy. Growing up a Dubbie was certainly the way to bring me outa my shell....yeah, right. A shy person who is forced into being the most unpopular guy in school...oh yeah, there's gonna' be mental ramifications somewhere done the line. But the Borg knows best. I too grew up poor, wearing rummage sale "little man" suits being trained for the ministry...or if only...Bethel or Gilead. Hell, I just wanted a normal childhood but nobody asked me what I wanted. Everyday began with the official Pissing-Off of the school authorities by refusing the flag salute, followed by more isolation...no celebrating with schoolmates over birthdays, holidays, or even socializing with them away from school. And I don't know why but I just couldn't get the school kids quite as excited about the Memorial as they got about Christmas, Halloween, etc. I began to live vicariously thru them. Oh how I envied the fun they had. So when I went to bed at night I prayed to be normal. Nobody was listening. I'm dating myself but I was around 8 years old when the Beatles hit big and everyone was wearing Beatle boots. I was not allowed...the tips were too pointy...probably something in Leviticus about that. I was later allowed to get some modifed shoes with slightly pointy tips. Of course the elder-cowboys in the hall were wearing pointy-tip cowboy boots....something in Leviticus probably says that's okay. Sorry, rambling...could go on forever but don't wish to bore you to death.


  • gsx1138

    I was part of the poor white trash family. I always thought it funny that even in the KH the people would break up into their clique'sand usually me, my brothers and sisters were often just ignored. My mother was always saying it was my fault because I just didn't go over and say hello to the other kids. The worste part of being a JW was how inconsistant my parents were at meeting attendence. I remember (kicks himself really hard) this girl in highschool was coming on to me hard and I didn't know what to do (by this time I was baptized). She even went so far as to just start kissing me all rammin her tounge in my throat grabbin my hand and putting it up her shirt. Guess what I did? Yep, pushed her away and told her that I couldn't see her anymore because I was a JW. I was sooo embarrassed to see her in the hall for the rest of the year before I graduated. Ahhhhhhhh, I'm still pissed about that.

  • DakotaRed

    Bonezz, everyone knows that pointed toes on Cowboy Boots is very functional. They make them that way so they can squash the cockroaches that hide in the corners down in Texas

    Lew W

  • Dismembered

    Embarrassed! It's more like incredibly pissed at myself for wasting so much time. Mine, my wife and children. Who can I complain to to get all the wasted time back?

  • Amazing

    Oh yes, the memories ... getting little bookbags for my boys ... Bible covers, and for the really ingenious, getting my Bible rebound with the "Make Sure" book and later on the "Reasoning Book" ... and yes, the Saturday mornings ... after a night out Friday ... conducting the meeting for Service and hoping like hell no one shows up so I can go back to bed ...

  • Xena

    ROFL Amazing, we used to have the Sunday morning service meeting at our house....talk about praying that no one would show up so you could go back to bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    The life of a dub kid is Hell! Only dub kids will truley know what I mean...OUTLAW

    Edited by - OUTLAW on 14 July 2002 13:32:32

  • LyinEyes

    I am wild turkey's wife, and let me tell you once he left home he really started dressing like a GQ model. Like someone said before we were barely getting by while he was pioneering , we tried all we could do to simplify our lives and thought we were pleasing God. But we really did some great shopping and accessorizing so as to not look poor. It is amazing how you can swap shirts and ties to make the 3 suits you have look new!!! Of course everyone is our congregation were 10x poorer than we were, so I don't think they even cared about style. In fact I can tell you they didnt. There are brothers and sister there that are still wearing the same pair of socks they had in 1976,,, that is no joke.

    We made sure that our kids , especially our oldest son, who would not be seen in old fashioned clothes and they better be name brand or he would be embarrassed. He was about 12 and decided to get his hair highlighted as all the young boys in the "world" had blonde highlights. Our son decided to try this and he looked really handsome, his hair was a little spiked and he had some sideburns .

    One sister actually went up to him and asked him if, "Jehovah would like his hair style,"?????

    I got very angry and he just took it in stride. He told me not to worry coming from this sister because he wanted to ask her if Jehovah liked frizzy unconditioned hair. But being the respectful young brother ,he didnt dare reply. This was just another time I was embarrassed by their ignorance. I am embarrassed that I didnt smack the crap out of her.


    Lew...Are you tellin' me there's no cockroaches in England. If only the Beatle boots had higher tops and no zipper on the side. I think we all dressed like dorks 'cause we didn't know any better. When I got into high school I started sneaking Playboys and Esquires and yes I read them, especially the articles on men's style. I had not seen a Playboy in a very long time, but had an invitation to a function at the Playboy mansion in Westwood...it brought back some great memories as I walked around in the different areas and saw some of the older mag covers that were framed. I thank Hugh for giving me some sense of style, grace and knowledge of the outside world, Ok, ok he's a chauvinist pig but I bet he's helped out a few other stifled guys.


    LyinEyes...I too made sure my kids were properly/fashionable dressed (as much as you can and still not get a lot of flack).

  • ring

    The life of a dub kid is Hell! Only dub kids will truely know what i mean..OUTLAW

    you can say that again...I was the only male witness kid that attended public

    school in the town i grew up in. Being singled out in front of an entire school

    over and over is far to much for a child to understand. If i have kids someday,

    i would never want them to have to go through what i did.


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