BBC Panorama Transcript

by Simon 14 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Simon

    In case it is taken off the BBC site

    "suffer the little children"
    BETSAN POWYS: Two years ago elders from this church heard a shocking story. This young woman told 
    them her father was sexually abusing her. The elders called her a liar.
    ALISON COUSINS: What are you meant to do then if he's doing something wrong? And they said 
    "Come to us and we'll deal with it." And I said to them "Well I've already spoken to you and you've told
    me I'm a liar".
    POWYS: The elders sent her home to her father. They didn't tell her that three years earlier he'd confessed 
    to them that he was abusing her sister.
    Tulsa, Oklahoma and a gather of the church that let this happen. Over 6,000 Jehovah's Witnesses are in 
    town for the District Convention. Panorama is here too. We're looking for answers from the leaders of an
    organisation that's under fire. Facing mountain allegations that it's shielding abusers, silencing victims and
    putting children at risk.
    BILL BOWEN: It's a worldwide problem that is of epidemic proportions within the organisation and no 
    one knows about it unless your child is molested.
    POWYS: Stevenson is on the Ayrshire coast in Scotland. It's a quiet holiday resort, a close knit town and 
    home to a thriving community of Jehovah's Witnesses. Door to door service, Bible studies and conventions
    are at the heart of family life for this young woman. But now she's left the church which she says betrayed
    her. She doesn't want to be recognised. She had a strict religious upbringing, her parents wedded to the
    Biblical principle that the father is head of the household.
    GIRL: We'd pray together, kind of thing, we prayed before meals and we'd pray before going to bed, and 
    ask God for help and ask God for forgiveness for anything we've done wrong that day. It was very strict. I
    was scared of my dad for years. I was really frightened of him.
    POWYS: She and her sister spent hours playing alone. Their father taught them that outside influences 
    were bad. He prohibited friendships outside the church. But from the age of 11 her make-believe games
    hid a painful truth her father had started to abuse her.
    GIRL: I was in my bed one night and that's when my dad came through and started touching me and 
    feeling me. I just lay there hoping that he'd go away.
    GIRL: Witness statement at Selkirk's Police Office. Over the years since I was 11 until I was 15 my dad 
    had done things to me that he shouldn't have done like rub my breasts, finger me and try to have sex with
    me. I remember when we were in Perth we were staying in a tent. He started to touch me and he made me
    touch him, and he made me put his penis in my mouth and things like that.
    POWYS: Were you scared?
    GIRL: Terrified! There was one thing my dad told me, if I ever told anyone about this he would break me 
    POWYS: For years she kept quiet, but one Sunday, after a meeting at the Kingdom Hall, she asked to see 
    church elders. She needed their help.
    GIRL: And I just told them everything that happened. 
    POWYS: Did they tell you that this was serious, that you should go to the police, that they would go to the 
    police for you?
    GIRL: No, they didn't tell me anything like that. They didn't make any mention of the police. 
    POWYS: They said they'd deal with it.
    GIRL: Yes. After that they called my father in, and they had a very, very long chat with him. Then 
    eventually they came out and we went home and that was the end of it.
    POWYS: When confronted, Ian Cousins confessed he was abusing his daughter. He said he was sorry, so 
    the elders sent him home with her. The abuse continued. Cousins was reproved or admonished publicly by
    the elders, but church policy meant that no one was told why, not even his younger daughter.
    It was announced on the platform that Ian Cousins had been reproved, and after that I went to one of the
    elders and asked well why has he been reproved? And he said "It's because of something he did wrong"
    but he wouldn't tell me what it was.
    POWYS: Even when her sister moved out, sick of the abuse, Alison still didn't know why. She missed 
    her sister and was lonely. With one daughter gone, Ian Cousins turned on the other. It all began with an
    innocent goodnight kiss.
    ALISON: I gave him a kiss, like a peck on the lips and then I tried to get up to walk away and he pulled me 
    down and he forced his tongue through my teeth, my clenched teeth, and he tried to put the blame on me
    and said "Did you really think you should be doing that?"
    POWYS: He blamed you?
    ALISON: Yes.
    POWYS: It wasn't long before the abuse got worse. One day her father was accused of assaulting one of 
    Alison's friends. She had to do something but had no where to turn, nowhere except the Kingdom Hall.
    She asked to see a church elder.
    ALISON: I told him everything that had happened and what my dad had done to me and he said that he 
    didn't believe me at all and he said that I was a liar, and that my dad would never do such a thing and my
    dad was such a nice man.
    POWYS: Like her sister, she was sent home. Her father 'the nice man' was free to continue abusing 
    her. So she gave the elders an ultimatum: either they did something or she'd go to the police. They did
    Police statement
    ALISON: I have told the police about my dad because I am concerned that he has contact with other young
    girls through the church.
    Strathclyde Police
    Some of these people gave good statements and very, very positive in their attitude in support of Alison and
    her sister. Other people felt that they didn't want to be involved and gave a negative statement and some
    people refused to speak to us altogether.
    POWYS: Why?
    BURGESS: I've no idea why. They just refuse to speak to the police.
    POWYS: Were they Jehovah's Witnesses? 
    BURGESS: I believe they were.
    POWYS: But they wouldn't help.
    BURGESS: They wouldn't give a statement to us, no.
    POWYS: Only during the police investigation did the whole story become clear to Alison Cousins. Only 
    now did she discover her sister had been abused too. Only now did she find out that her father confessed to
    elders 3 years earlier, yet no one had warned her, his next victim.
    ALISON: Nobody told me anything. They all basically kept it all under wraps and told nobody what had 
    POWYS: What they did was keep a record of her father's name and confession on a church database, a 
    register of suspected and convicted paedophiles to be monitored. We asked Alison Cousins to obtain a
    copy of her records using the Data Protection Act. There, in black and white, was proof that the Jehovah's
    Witnesses had known for 3 years that her father was a self-confessed paedophile. Yet far from monitoring
    him, the elders twice turned a blind eye to his abuse of his daughters. When he confessed to church elders,
    Cousins got a mild rebuke. When he confessed in court, he got 5 years in gaol.
    BURGESS: I believe we were the last to know. They had told several people before coming to the police 
    and these people had not reported it either to the police or the social services. We had a duty to protect, and
    if we're not told we are unable to protect.
    POWYS: New York, the capital of big business, and a fitting home for one of the largest and richest 
    religious organisations in the world. From here the Jehovah's Witnesses control over six million members.
    From here, the worldwide headquarters in Brooklyn Heights, every policy, every guideline, is dictated.
    Visitors are welcome and one message is clear. In this organisation you adhere to God's word. Every
    month 50,000 Bibles come off the press ready to be sold worldwide. But this too is where they keep
    records of suspected and convicted paedophiles in their ranks. Bill Bowen, a lifelong member, has resigned
    as an elder. He says the men at the top are protected the church, not the children.
    Elder, 1984-2000
    They do not want people to know that they have this problem, and by covering it up they just hurt one
    person. By letting it out, then they hurt the image of the church.
    POWYS: Elders must report abuse to the church's legal desk. Only if the law demands it must they 
    contact the police. If it doesn't, they be told they have a moral duty to call them, but often it seems to stop
    here. It seems to go no further than the church's own secret database.
    BOWEN: Every detail is written down about what happened, where it happened, when it happened, how it 
    POWYS: So you're saying the organisation has its own sexual offenders register if you like.
    BOWEN: That's exactly right.
    POWYS: That it's keeping to itself and not showing others.
    BOWEN: Exactly right. These men remain anonymous to anyone outside the organisation and anyone 
    really inside the organisation unless you're personally reporting the matter.
    POWYS: So was this the policy back in Stevenson that let Ian Cousins continue to abuse his daughters? 
    The elders have stepped down and refused to talk to us, so we asked the man sent here to sort things out.
    Hello Mr Briggs. We're from BBC Panorama as you know.
    JONATHAN BRIGGS: I know that.
    POWYS: We just want to ask you a few questions about the Ian Cousins Case.
    Presiding Overseer
    It's reasonable to really actually consider the brothers and sisters in the congregation that have had to
    undergo all this pressure. So I would just leave it at that. That's all I have to say on the matter.
    POWYS: The database, Mr Briggs, why should the Jehovah's Witnesses keep a database of men who have 
    confessed to being paedophiles but the police aren't told? Do you think that's reasonable behaviour Mr
    BRIGGS: (declines to respond, turns and retreats into the Kingdom Hall)
    11th July 2002
    POWYS: The latest name added to the list should be that of James Barrett. Three days ago, clutching his
    Bible, this elder from Rugby was convicted of indecently assaulting two boys and sentenced to two years in
    prison. The church was told of the allegations five years ago, but Barrett denied them and was allowed to
    remain an elder. So how many names are on the secret database? We asked the headquarters in New York.
    They refused to tell us. "Focusing on numbers isn't meaningful" they said. After a lifetime in the church
    Bill Bowen tells a different story.
    How many names do you suspect are on that list?
    BOWEN: Twenty-three thousand seven hundred and twenty.
    POWYS: How do you know that?
    BOWEN: I was contacted by sources within the church. I was given a figure of over 20,000. Two 
    different sources came back to me and said that number is actually more specific and gave me a figure of
    23,720. They told me that they had accessed the internal database and that figure was based on child
    molesters in the USA, Canada and Europe, and that's the figure that they were given.
    POWYS: Over 20,000 names on a secret database. That's why these people say the church has to listen. 
    With Bill Bowen, they're calling for the Jehovah's Witnesses to come clean about their record on child
    abuse. His campaign, silent lambs, has already heard from 5,000 victims. This candlelit vigil is for them.
    BOWEN: Or it's what they're doing, once it's found out, causing their own members to be deeply 
    POWYS: Heather Berry and her stepsister Holly Brewer have flown here from New Hampshire. The man 
    who abused them has been gaoled for a minimum of 56 years. He was Heather's father. Now Heather and
    Holly are breaking new ground, they're taking the Jehovah's Witnesses to court.
    HEATHER: I'm Heather from New Hampshire. I don't want to tell my story but I've heard the word 
    'victim' too many times today, and all of us are standing out here today and we're standing tall and proud
    and saying this happened and that it can't happen and we're survivors, and we're fighting and we're not
    POWYS: They're the first of those survivors to take their fight to court. They're claiming that not only did 
    the church do nothing when they were abused, it ostracised and punished the family when they called the
    HEATHER: I'm very glad I came, and like I said, I would do it again, and again, and again, and as many 
    times as it takes to get a change in the policies and things that they hide constantly.
    HOLLY: I'm really glad that the policy was talked about so much today, that it's an actually policy, it's not 
    just a few elders that want to hide things. It comes from higher up.
    HEATHER: It's a worldwide policy.
    HOLLY: Yes.
    POWYS: We asked the church for an interview to discuss the claims that they're putting thousands of 
    children at risk. They offered us instead some video tapes.
    Here we have it, a boxful of tapes in fact, Jehovah's Witnesses response, progressive understanding of
    paedophilia, education through publications, and one marked 'policies' and I'm told that's where we should
    get some answers.
    That night we watched the tapes, looking for those answers. In long letters the organisation had told us the 
    welfare of children is of paramount concern to them, that they have a forceful child protection policy. We
    wanted to see it spelled out.
    J.R. BROWN: We've heard the suggestion that our policies may not be adequate to cover the problem of 
    child molestation, but that's not the case all.
    POWYS: The policy couldn't be simpler. The elders should deal with all allegations of abuse.
    M.R. INFANTE: I think that's a very good policy, that the elders essentially would take charge of the 
    situation of reporting the abuse to the authorities.
    POWYS: But the authorities they're told to contact aren't the police, it's their own legal desk.
    J.R. BROWN: The fact of the matter is, we have a very aggressive policy to handle child molestation in the 
    congregation, and it is primarily designed to protect our children.
    POWYS: So how aggressive is it in practice? Just over a year ago Bill Bowen rang the legal desk in New 
    York asking how he should handle an allegation of abuse in his congregation. The advice he was given has
    little to do with protecting the victim. He was told to go back to the man accused.
    LEGAL DESK: You just him again, "Now, is there anything to this?" If he says 'No' then I would walk 
    away from it. Leave it for Jehovah. He'll bring it out.
    BOWEN: Yep.
    LEGAL DESK: But don't get yourself in a jam.
    POWYS: "Leave it for Jehovah" That, according to thousands of victims, is the Jehovah's Witness child 
    protection policy laid bare. No one knows more about that than Sara Poisson. Holly Brewer and Heather
    Berry's mother knows her loyalty to the church cost her daughters dearly. Paul Berry, her husband, beat
    them. She suspect worse, that Heather was being sexually abused and went to the elders.
    I could tell from their looks on their faces that I had done a bad thing, that I had spoken against my husband
    which is a bad thing. And so their solution was that I should be a better wife, and I should pray more. That
    was their solution, that's how I could stop him from battering us. I assumed they were right. It had to be
    right because they know everything because they're God's representatives on earth.
    POWYS: She couldn't convince them, but she was convinced that Paul Berry was sexually abusing their 
    daughter, Heather.
    When I was about 3 years old I started displaying behaviour that no 3 year old in their right mind would
    display. I was throwing stools out of 2 storey windows and I was.. well I went to Boston Children's
    Medical Hospital in the psychiatric ward when I was 3 because she found me stabbing myself with a
    screwdriver in the arm in the kitchen.
    "He came to me in the black of night, 
    Hands outstretched, there was no fight.
    The masked man slowly became familiar with my shape,
    Gently rubbing his hands on me, every nook, cranny and gape.
    My child, you are so sweet,
    So perfect and right, then I knew nothing but defeat."
    I tried not to think about the abuse as much as possible. I mean there was the physical abuse, there was the 
    verbal abuse and there was the sexual abuse. And when none of it was happening, that was ideal, and that's
    what I tried to focus on the most.
    POWYS: And all the while you were going to the Kingdom Hall every Sunday.
    HEATHER: We were.
    POWYS: You were going to meetings during the week.
    HEATHER: We were going out on door-to-door service.
    POWYS: Time and again the girls were told to wait outside while their mother begged local elders for 
    help. Time and again they saw her sent home to pray harder and be a better wife. Holly, too, had her own
    story to tell, the story she'd kept secret from her mother, the story she knew by now the elders wouldn't
    want to hear. Her instinct was to tell the local policeman, but after years in the church she just couldn't.
    Keene Police Dept. New Hampshire
    Holly would actually tell me that she was very angry about things at home and she did on more than several
    occasions tell me that "Some day, Sergeant Zeller, I'm going to tell you something that happened to me"
    and I always told Holly, "When you're ready, I'll be there. You know where I am."
    POWYS: Her mother saw the elders more than a dozen times, but remarkably it never strong Sarah Poisson 
    to look for help outside the church.
    You can say that your children's lives are in danger, and in the same breath that you couldn't possibly go to 
    the police. How can that be?
    POISSON: Because God would not want that. It would never have occurred to me, and even if it had, I 
    would not have done it because he's a man. He's a baptized male and he's a ministerial servant and I was a
    woman and they're kids, and that's even worse than being a woman. 'These things need to stay in this
    room' I've heard that many, many times. 'You need to pray about it more.' I can show you my Bible, it's
    paper thin. I still have it. It's all worn out. I did a lot of praying.
    POWYS: Even after you had told them that her father was sexually abusing Heather, nothing changed?
    POISSON: No, no. Well yeah, things changed, they got a lot worse, for me.
    POWYS: In the end the decision was taken out of her hands. In school bruises were noticed on her 
    children. Social workers were told. They gave her a stark choice, leave your husband or we take your
    children. But if she left him, she knew the church would cut her dead.
    POISSON: At that point I had to make decision between God and my kids. And I knew.. well at that time I 
    knew that if I chose my kids, I don't have prayer, but I didn't care anymore. So we lost everything in one
    POWYS: Sarah Poisson had no life outside the Kingdom Hall. When the congregation cast her out she had 
    no choice but to move away. She didn't just lose every friend she had, overnight she was homeless,
    penniless, scraping a living to bring up her children. The friends they'd had openly shunned them. But
    with the family now free of the church Holly could finally tell her mother the truth, her stepfather had
    abused her too. When he tried to gain access to her younger sister, Holly finally did what the elders hadn't,
    she walked into the local police station.
    ZELLER: It was clear to me that it was a life's crossing, a road to cross. Never any doubt in my mind that 
    Holly could do it. It was a tremendous effort on her part, and it smacked of raw courage from beginning to
    POWYS: The Holly Brewer who walked into his office that day was a very changed, a very defiant young 
    My earliest memory is like about 3 years old, my latest memory is 10 years old, and he gradually worked
    into being interested in me to full blown sex, intercourse, over those years.
    2:47 08pm
    MAR 7 1997 Police video
    POWYS: It was a harrowing time. The police took Holly back to the house where the abuse had started.
    HOLLY: He had a room that he had found in a very, very old house that was underneath the barn that you'd 
    to crawl through a hole to get to, and once you were in there, you were isolated from the entire house, and
    from everything, and that's where everything would go down.
    MAR 7 1997
    WOMAN OFFICER: Would he kneel down next to you, or over you?
    HOLLY: He'd like sit like this and then he'd lean over..
    WOMAN OFFICER: Alright, and did he wanted you to do?
    HOLLY: I knew after a while.
    POWYS: She told the police exactly what Berry had wanted, of the brutal sexual assault she'd suffered 
    throughout her childhood.
    HOLLY: I had no vision of me growing up and being 16. I thought he was eventually going to kill me, you 
    know.. and then I'd be free and that's the way I looked at it.
    POWYS: It's really hard to come back here now.
    HOLLY: I know.
    He'd say things like "Thank you for obeying me" and he'd thank me for obeying him and reminding me of 
    that word, that 'obey' word. That was a big thing.
    POWYS: Paul Berry was confident Holly would never go to the elders. Apart from anything else the 
    Jehovah's Witnesses have a clear rule on sin. They need two witnesses or a confession before they'll take
    action. As Holly told her story, it seemed to police that this rule and a strict religious community would
    have let the abuse continue.
    Keene Police Dept. New Hampshire
    Sexual abuse of children is not to be tolerated, and I don't care what their reasoning was, it was faulted
    reasoning. They were wrong, and as far as I'm concerned they were criminally negligent. That's my take
    on it.
    WOMAN OFFICER: Even with just the child's word, with one witness, with just the mother's word, 
    without the two witnesses their Bible tells them they need?
    ZELLER: Well unfortunately most kids don't have several witnesses observing them get raped. That's an 
    unfortunate part of it.
    WOMAN OFFICER: It took nearly 4 years for the case to come to court. Paul Berry faced 17 charges of 
    aggravated sexual assault.
    POISSON: I was holding Holly's hand and she had a lot of pointy rings on, and she was squeezing my 
    hand really tightly, and it took them a long time to get through the verdict because there were so many
    indictments, and when it was over my hand was all blood and I didn't even feel it. And it was so powerful
    to be believed.
    POWYS: But not everyone did believe them, even after he was convicted by a jury on all 17 indictments. 
    Two dozen members of the Kingdom Hall turned up at the sentencing hearing. They all appeared to give
    character statements for Paul Berry.
    ZELLER: He had already been found guilty and they found room in their hearts to stand in front of that 
    child and say we don't believe any of it. And what they were saying was, they didn't believe the child, they
    didn't believe in the system of justice, they didn't believe the judge, they didn't believe the jury, they didn't
    believe anyone except themselves.
    HOLLY: Everything they were saying was "He's such a fine worker, I've worked with him secularly and 
    he always shows up to work on time, and he's such a good worker." Everybody said that and also the
    second half was everybody started saying "He's baby-sat our kids hundreds of times. I would let him baby-
    sit our kids every day, and he's such a good worker." And I was just sitting there like he's not on trial for
    being a negligent worker.
    ZELLER: I can't imagine how badly she must have felt not to have been believed by elders in her own 
    close knit community. What a horrible blow to a child this must have been. Shame, shame on them.
    POWYS: But another serious accusation is levelled against Jehovah's Witnesses. In their efforts to cover 
    up abuse, they may even try to frustrate police investigations. In Birmingham West Midlands police were
    told of a sexual assault by a Jehovah's Witnesses on a young boy. They asked local elders for help.
    West Midlands Police
    They were very reluctant to give up any information towards me. It was an uphill battle so far as the church
    was concerned, with me virtually at every turn. They actually said to me unless I provide two Jehovah's
    Witnesses who'd actually seen the offence, then as far as they were concerned the offence hadn't taken
    POWYS: The boy was Simon Brady. He was just 9 when he was abused by a member of this Kingdom 
    Hall. He felt he could tell no one.
    We're taught if you go to elders, if you want to be believed or you have a complaint about someone, then
    there has to be more than one of you, there has to be two people. There has to be more than one witness
    basically. What can I say? They want more than one witness, you know.. every time I've gone to them,
    you know.. they wouldn't have believed me. Statement of Simon Andrew Brady, aged 18.
    Police statement
    BRADY: I recall that one of the brothers of the congregation, a man known to me as Jaswant Patty began
    to take an interest in me. I would have been 8 or 9 years old at the time.
    POWYS: Simon Brady's parents were going through a divorce. Jaswant Patty offered to help out, take him 
    off his mother's hands.
    BRADY: He'd take me for drives after the meetings, he'd take me home from the congregation, you 
    know.. give me a lift home. I can remember on one occasion he took me to his sister's flat while she was
    away on holiday. He said we'd go in and we'd check his sister's flat, and there he really sexually abused
    me basically.
    POWYS: What did he do?
    BRADY: It was quite severe to be honest with you, it was severe. So even now, to think of it, I don't.. you 
    know.. it hurts now to talk about it to be honest with you, and I've done that once already. I find it very
    hard to talk about it anymore basically.
    (Statement continues) He dropped me off at home. I remember going to the bathroom and scrubbing with 
    Dettol because I felt dirty at what had happened.
    POWYS: For years he said nothing, afraid the elders wouldn't believe him. When he finally did speak out, 
    his instinct as a 9 year old proved right. It's not so much did they believe. Did they want to believe me?
    They didn't want to believe me. I think in terms of my house, you know.. they weren't opened minded and
    I think they'd already made their mind up even before they got to my house.
    POWYS: The police did believe him and they tracked down a second boy who'd been abused by Patty. 
    But what happened next caused them serious concern. An elder confronted the victim's father, calling the
    man's son a liar. The father complained to the police who warned the elder to stay away from the victim's
    families. His excuse was that as an elder he had every right to investigate the case for himself.
    COLLEY: It was his duty to test the evidence prior to the court case. I advised him that if that sort of 
    behaviour continued, then if an allegation had been formally made, then I would have to investigate that
    particular person for offence to pervert the course of justice, and in fact witness intimidation. The
    conversation did get a little bit heated towards the end but obviously I'd a duty to protect my complainants
    and witnesses to the case. I made sure and sent out the signal that I was prepared to protect them and take
    drastic steps i.e. arresting people if they breached that.
    POWYS: In Birmingham, as in New Hampshire, the elders supported the accused. Even after Patty was 
    convicted and sentenced to five years in gaol they didn't waver. At the next meeting in the Kingdom Hall
    they elders made sure the congregation knew where they stood.
    BRADY: There's (Nice McGivon?) saying "As a body of elders - that's including every elder in Rubery 
    we feel as a body of elders that basically this man is innocent, we believe he's innocent, and the Bethel have
    informed us they will do everything in their power to help this man".
    COLLEY: I then made it my duty to actually speak to the Legal Services Team of the Bethel in London and 
    voice my disquiet about the lack of cooperation I'd had from start to finish from this inquiry.
    POWYS: Under police pressure, the elders did apologise and were demoted though not sacked. The 
    London headquarters, the Bethel, refused to discuss any specific case. They said this was because the elders
    had to respect the confidentiality of the victims. But the victims wanted answers. We again asked for an
    interview with their spokesman, Paul Gillies. When he refused we phoned him, told him we were recording
    and asked a simple question. Are elders told to report allegations of abuse to the police or not?
    PAUL GILLIES: (telephone conversation) The elders' guideline is: if you get any single allegation of child 
    abuse come to your attention, phone this office.
    POWYS: Why phone this office? Why not phone your local police station?
    GILLIES: Well, you see the first thing is we have to make sure for the protection of the child, that's our 
    first priority.
    POWYS: Is it the protection of the child is it fair to ask you, isn't it the protection of the church that 
    comes straight to mind there?
    GILLIES: It is the protection of the child. We have a child protection policy.
    POWYS: It was a long conversation and we asked if he'd be prepared to answer the same questions on 
    camera. He refused. So it was back to America and back to a Jehovah's Witness convention in Tulsa.
    We'd been told we'd find a member of the governing body here. Ted Jarrett is one of the men responsible
    for the church's child protection policy. For more than two months we've been asking them for an
    interview. We want answers to some simple questions. Why do they keep their database of suspected
    paedophiles secret? Why don't they report all allegations of abuse to the police? Why do they send
    children back to the arms of their abusers? They refused to talk to us. But here at last we had our chance.
    Mr Jarrett, tell me about the database. How do you justify keeping a list of people, men in some cases who 
    have confessed to paedophilia, but you have not reported them to the authority. What justification is there
    for you to keep that list?
    JARRETT: You know, you're from Britain. You have a privacy law. You have a directive from the 
    European Union. You observe that, don't you?
    POWYS: So when allegations of abuse are made, is it alright to keep them private?
    JARRETT: I think you were answered. That question was answered strictly to your satisfaction.
    POWYS: Can you answer it now?
    JARRETT: I'm not going to repeat. I'll just tell you exactly and you will see it in writing. It's all in print. 
    You know the Bible says "Do not go beyond the things that are written." We don't go beyond the things
    that are written.
    POWYS: And that was that. No doubt, no second thoughts. Just a simple belief that Jehovah will sort it 
    out, a belief for which others, younger and more vulnerable, may continue to pay a price.
    BOWEN: They're living in denial, denial of what's happening to their children, and it's not a matter.. you 
    see if they accept that, then they accept that there is a problem. So rather than admit that there's a problem,
    they will just let children go on and continue to be molested and not do anything about it.

    If you want to comment on this programme you can email us or join us on our website for an online 
    discussion tomorrow at 2pm or I'll be taking calls with Edwina Curry on Radio 5 Live in a few minutes.
    Panorama returns in the Autumn with a major investigation into corruption in horseracing which has led to
    us being banned from almost every race course in the country. If you've got stories you think we should
    investigate you can contact us through our website.
    BBC Action Line:
    08000 839 839
    Lines open until midnight
    All calls are free and confidential
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    Transcribed by 1-Stop Express Services, London W2 1JG Tel: 0207 724 7953 E-mail: [email protected]

    Edited by - Simon on 15 July 2002 16:34:54

  • Satanus

    Thanks simon, for putting that in the records. No doubt later, many will find it helpful.


  • waiting

    Thanks Simon,

    This is much appreciated - and I've started printing it out. Of course, showing it to a jw doesn't really help much as they'll say it was doctored either by me, by you, or by the transcriber, or by Satan.

    Lol.........I would have thought the same thing when I was *in* the cult. Damned demons are everywhere! (btw, that's not cussin' 'cause jw's believe that the demons really are damned.)


  • 13th_apostate

    wow. that story sounded like it had more of an impact than the dateline show. thanks for posting the transcript.


  • waiting


    Just wanted to thank you again - which is a lot nicer than just "bttt'ing" this, now isn't it?


  • Simon

    It is waiting

    If anyone missed it, you can watch it (and the Dateline show) here:

  • Phil

    I just noticed this thread and was asked by my sister-in-law if I had heard about a TV program called W2. This was aired recently in Calgary, Canada. It had to do with a telephone conversation and interviews with some of the players as well as a top member of the WT in Brooklyn.

    My question is, has anyone here have any info on this program and if a transcript or video of the program is available?

  • Simon

    Sorry, I haven't got the videos back up since I moved server but they are available from here:

  • frenchbabyface

    (((HI))) EVERYONE

    Maybe some other people will put some other postes related to. I was looking on which poste what I want to say will fit in … Needed to talk about something to those Who don’t care about what the WTBS is able to do to his honest followers.

    First I’d like to add something

    I’ve chose this one because it talks to parents and - the (((VICTIMES))) and complete the aspect of this present poste which talk to the CITIZEN (EVERYBODY)
    Lots more available on the board (archives)

    But I’m going trying to take the question by an other side : And to me it's always about the first question – in talking an other subject

    For example : for the specific question “WHO’s SCREWING THE WORLD” if I introduce the subject by :

    (a) For instance, CAN WE SAY that we are NOT SCREWING THIS WORLD ?
    here your back on your instinct (the feelings can interfere but you don’t need them to guide you) – because, I’m talking about “WE”.
    And Everybody is able to say : yes WE are, and will be able to check a lot of wrong stuff – even if you feel that WE included YOU.

    (b) And now if I say : CAN YOU SAY that you are NOT SCREWING THIS WORLD ?
    here you have to deal with your own feelings with their own specific modulations - experiences – because, I’m talking about “YOU”. Everyone (most of the time) will answer NO-because “I” / or YES-but “I” … (so we can’t focused on the real subject) those details are important but we can’t focused on the “real first biggest problem” and we won’t be able to set the priorities in good order.But ANYWAY to FIND OUT about the real subject “Who are or will be the (biggest) victim(s)?” on each point and step, Is the first question … and not Who is guilty? (and “who” : by the way can also be one of the “second hand” victim) … The questions will have to come on each issue (who’s guilty), but not in the first place because at this point we will have to balance our questionings and answers on every “YOU potential second victims “ involved or not in the matter (before we will be able to notice the priorities). IF we focused on the wrong bases of the subject we can’t find the right answer (or by hazard … IT CAN … sometimes … But with human beings dealing with everything, to fit in or fix it, without loosing is pretty hard. Most of the time we can’t WIN (for real) without LOOSING (for false) Because : WHAT ARE WE LOOSING and AND WHAT ARE WE WINING ? When we are talking about being Fair … We just forgot about dreaming … if everybody don’t have the same needs at the same time everybody at least have the same dream (BEING HAPPY) every feeling in each one of us has an accountancy based on our own experience about everything) Experience = Influenced information. And the wrong information can lead very far in the process of feelings as well as the right information.As Ex JW most of people have been able to “give more” than they would never give for a JOB for a HOPE n/or a DREAM (even a KID sometime, which is one of the biggest sacrifice) … For a “god” that we don’t even really know … Who didn’t say “really” or Who shouldn’t really say (as a GOD) … “I am the one who needs you”. - The Earth do, human beings do … need US---To talk to those who are still JW (I mean who are still following there rules of this org – Don’t talking about those who love JAH), on some specific subjects, let’s only try an explanation on starting to question us systematically with WRONG – because we don’t care when we are RIGHT and it is the same process of modulation anyway so, in the stories about abuses:1) ___the guy was WRONG
    (instinct / deeper than a feeling = he knows it !)
    and = Everybody knows that it is wrong (instinct : “supposed” to be unconscious )

    2) ___the guy became NOT GUILTY
    (influence = help in any kind)
    (feelings = he knows or not)
    and = Everybody knows or not (feelings = conscious and unconscious)

    Result from stage 1 to 2 : MODULATION(s ) / VARIATION(s) of base of the feeling (our instinct)Then the guy (CAN) became MORE (A) here : abusive ; “MORE” WATEVER kind of influence will get into the process (1-2 to come back to 2 and not to 1 … Since the start it’s always an add from the second base 2) – Only a REVERSE INFLUENCE/questionning can help to go back on our instinct)

    Even though the influence says NOT GUILTY nor NOT PUNICH
    feelings = he knows or not (Instinct or feelings ? : conscious and unconscious)
    and = Everybody knows or not (instinct or feelings ? : conscious and unconscious)and = EVERYBODY is More wrong and more guilty in FACT.BUT N/OR even THE VICTIME(s) same example than (a) in the firt part of the development of the subject

    We all know that instinctively (when we really think about something). To make my reasoning clear about that and to show how “it works”. Let’s take a “false” CASE but “ALWAYS TRUE” instinctively somehow CASE : JWs parents with their daughter abused and against them ANYONE ; face to face (no crap before to) ask the question in an other way : WHO’S GOT HURTED ? Instinctively we should be more quickly be able do “SEE” WHO are the VICTIMES! That’s what anyone who’s is really affected by the case instead of “himself” will notice and pay attention first … (instinct – before any ego-feelings that can follow with less trouble after the first needed process) BASICALLY found out WHY we are talking about something? (here the VICTIMES)Try the question on different kind of situations in justice = fairWho’s got screwd ?Who’s got hurted ?the first question should be WHO IS THE VICTIME ? … Before WHO is GUILTY – wrong n/or right) ? And YES anybody can be GUILTY in THINKING (feelings ) DOING SOMETHING GOOD. That’s why we are always wrong (short-term long term - waste) in trying to think about hilling the symptoms before the disease (fix the man instead of fixing the question about his religion for example - and that doesn’t even mean that you have to forget about GOD)BUT in any way I think that when we stick on the fair priorities (more instinctive view … ) We make sure that at least we will have a minimum of wastes nor loss for the victims.Here for example :If I’m asking to you IF YOU are able to take the DEFENCE of the WTBS and their “strategies”, ON those kind of cases only or particularly (abuses – every kind …), Take the CROWN and NOW YOU ARE GOD : Who is the victim ? (Do GOD need HELP to state about THAT ? Yes because : Do GOD/YOU IN THIS CASE Need HELP ANYWAY ? If yes, that only means that you are involved in the case somehowand if you are involved are you able to state ? (feelings) – Now remember who is the biggest victim ? ( instinct ) so to me this is a BIG INCOHERENCE !!!Of course : if I’m just saying ; GOD NEEDs HELP ! Please Brother check and found out about the problems about each case (you won’t be able to be fairno way here … (not one) … if you want to help god because god wants you to be fair)Now : if I’m saying ; GOD JUST want you to BE FAIR ! (instinct!!! Is back AND you want to survive) Will you have any problem to state about it ? : the daughter is the victim – and you and one of yours maybe the next one,NOW : What do you think ? What does GOD WANT ? : -- ---- !

  • frenchbabyface

    Again for those who are STILL JW or under an Other Religion

    This Topic is talking about mental health (and TALKs ABOUT INFLUENCE and PRIORITIES)

    I just hope that it will go further (cause when you read, you can see where the problem is)

    It may help

    Here Also a thread about 9/11 (Very Emotional subject) If you don't have the time to read at least read : TALISEN's others also but she talks about a range of stuff who may seem not important but which is in the Whole PROCESS of INFLUENCE poste Sep 14

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