In MY kingdom hall........

by Pistoff 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pistoff

    There will be coffee in the back

    The format for thursday night will rotate, and will include slides, videos, improv talks about subjects speakers choose

    Women will be elders and MS's......if they can be kings and priests with Jesus, that's good enough for me; Paul might not like it but he will get used to it

    We get to critique the visiting speaker........some are so bad, they could be used to kill bugs by boring them to death

    We get to talk about the ridiculous old doctrine....not pretend it didn't exist, or that GOD changed his mind

    What else??


  • StinkyPantz

    1. All Halls would have windows

    2. Pedophiles would be reported to the police

    3. Women could wear pants

  • imissthedub

    Was never a dub....but almost and one reason I decided not to was their "worship" to music is a joke!

    In MY Hall we will have loud, fast music (and some soft reverent music too) with people dancing, raising hands, clapping and actually smiling!!!! IF they want to. It anyone wants to just sing or sit or close eyes fine.....they will get to worship God as THEIR heart tells them to.

    We will NOT follow some written lesson by a human. We will read the Bible and discuss what we read and then share experiences that apply and actually question what it may mean! Different opinions will be welcome cuz (gasp) it will actually make up THINK and study more. The Bible tells us in order to enter His kingdom we must become like little children. So many think that means blindly accepting what someone says. Come on. What is the one thing children do over and over and over? They ask "Why?" That tells me God wants us to ask why, too, because to get the answer we have to read and discuss and pray.

    We will also dress as we see fit. If we want to wear a suit or dress, great. If we want to wear jeans and a clean shirt, great. If it is hot, shorts are fine. We will have enough sense to NOT wear anything that draws attention away from God (since that is why we are worshipping) like a thong bikini, but also enough sense that God knows what is in our heart regardless of if we try to hide in a suit or be comfortable in casual.

  • TR
  • Satanus

    I would turn my kh into an art galarie that specializes in pagan art. That would include native american, ancient egiptian, buddhist, innuit, south american (old and new) works of art. Sculpture would naturally be included. Also, new age, shamanic, wicca, masonic. All attendants would wear a fez. That's the little purple hat that shriners wear.



    Hey TR,good to see you back...OUTLAW

  • heathen

    tuesday night orgy

  • larc

    In my hall, the back room would be turned into a play room with toys and a kindly person there to tell them stories. If I gave the public talk, I would ask questions of the audience to get them involved in the subject. I would also ask them to raise their hand and ask questions any time they wanted to.

  • Dutchie

    3. Women could wear pants

    Ah, Stinky, I'm going to your Kingdom Hall!

  • nativenyr23

    and Women would be able to give the #4 talk in the MInistry school, instead of playing the stupid role playing game of the #3 talk they have to give. Then, the men could give that talk, and instead of it being "a sister preaching to a householder" would be "two guys talking in a bar...."

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