So we all know how ineffectual the preaching work really is. We also know how much the WTS hypes up the scope and scale of the global preaching effort. What the GB should be doing however is emphasising the ineffectiveness of the preaching work. Why?
Well it would appear that, according to recent WT writings, Jehovah is not prepared to make it obvious he is about to act.
This is paragraph 7 from the 15 August 2015 study article Keep in Expectation
7 But how bad do you expect conditions to become before “the great tribulation”? (Rev. 7:14) For example, do you expect that there will be a war in every country, no food on anyone’s table, and illness in every household? Under those conditions, even skeptics would likely feel compelled to admit that Bible prophecy was undergoing fulfillment. However, Jesus said that most people would take “no note” of his presence, carrying on with life’s normal activities until it is too late.(Read Matthew 24:37-39.) Thus, the Scriptures indicate that world conditions during the last days would not become so extreme that people would be forced to believe that the end is near.—Luke 17:20;2 Pet. 3:3, 4.
This is the same paragraph from the simplified edition:
7 Some could think that before “the great tribulation,” there will be war in every country and that most people will be sick or starving. (Revelation 7:14) But if that happened, it would be obvious to everyone that Bible prophecy was being fulfilled. It would be clear even to people who are not interested in what the Bible says. Remember, Jesus said that in the last days, most people would take “no note.” They would be living their normal daily lives and would be shocked when Jehovah’s day comes. (Read Matthew 24:37-39.) Clearly, we should not expect world conditions to become so bad before “the great tribulation” that people would be forced to believe that the end is near.—Luke 17:20;2 Peter 3:3, 4.
So basically the all powerful Jehovah, who apparently wants NONE to be destroyed.....
2 Peter 3:9
9 Jehovah* is not slow concerning his promise,+ as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire anyone to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.
.... is not prepared to use an effective method of warning people just in case it could be argued they were coerced into wanting to live in a paradise.
So, the Almighty, All Loving Master of the Universe is actually pleased that there are over 200,000 new people in the world everyday. He is happy that billions are actually unlikely to ever know anything about the Kingdom thanks to the almost invisible presence of his people in large tracts of the Earth.
Having given a composite sign, it cannot be so obvious that people actually realise there could be a way out. Instead of being desirous of saving his creation he actually wants the vast majority to press on in ignorance to their end.
The WTS should be ecstatic that they are just pissing in the wind with all of the preaching work. They should be celebrating the fact that so many carts stand like idle waste paper bins while the faithful rack up hours sitting on a bench drinking coffee. Thank goodness so many people have so little insight and faith that they cannot discern where their salvation is going to come as they pass by some mobile literature stand or get some old lady knock on their door pushing some scrap of paper about the latest convention in their hand.
It looks like Jehovah has picked exactly the right organisation. He could have picked someone like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, someone capable of building an organisation that in under 40 years (or a generation) can impact the life of pretty much every human on the planet. Instead he picked a group of people that all but a tiny minority either know about or care about. Thank goodness they are actually so useless in getting the message across and the chance of an individual human actually getting "attaining repentance" is so slim.
It's like some human sperm/egg race. Everyday, humanity is ejaculating 200000+ people into the world but only one will reach the "egg" of WT repentance.
Well done WT. Keep up the good work.