Why Jehovah Does Not Want An Effective Preaching Work

by konceptual99 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LisaRose

    Yes, it was much more doom and gloom back in the day. I think there was a lot more fear of war in general. 1965 was only twenty years after WW2. Their was Vietnam, Cambodia, and the cold war between the U.S. and Russia. If you haven't seen Dr. Strangelove, it's not only a brilliant comedy but a commentary on people's fear of communism and the possibility of a nuclear war. The Watchtower certainly played on those fears.

    It's not like we don't have war now, but I think the fear of a global conflagration is much less these days, so they just can't play on people's fears as much as they used to be able to. Obviously they have to change tactics. "The world s going to hell in a handbasket" thing just doesn't work. Now it's "things are peaceful, it must be a bad sign, be afraid, be very afraid". This isn't going to work with the public, they are just trying to keep the faithful in line.

  • DesirousOfChange

    CANTLEAVE: I just want to bring this post BTTT, because it is in my opinion one of the best this year.

    Thanks for doing that, I don't recall reading it when it was new. And I agree, konceptual and others have made some great thoughts.I'll have to watch for the week that is studied at the KHall and ask my still-in JDub family about it.


  • Vidiot
    On a related note, the fact that the WTS has insisted on continuing to utilizing the demonstrably ineffective door-to-door approach for so long may be because it limited the amount of recruits from outside the Org, and thusly limited the amount of "worldy" ideas that might make their way in amongst the rank-and-file.
  • Vidiot

    LisaRose - "Now it's 'things are peaceful, it must be a bad sign, be afraid, be very afraid'. This isn't going to work with the public."

    That put a funny image in my head...

    ...the typical wild-haired, crazy-eyed street-corner doomsday prophet wearing a sandwich-board sign that reads, "Everything is better than it ever was before... the End must be Nigh!!!"

  • konceptual99

    Sorry to bump my own thread - I know it's a bit of a narcissistic thing to do but I just wanted to remind anyone who will be attending the WT study this week that this is the article under discussion and it may be a useful paragraph to do some reverse witnessing if you can word a comment in such a way so as not to be too obviously critical.

    I will get my thinking cap on...

  • konceptual99

    How about...

    This is a very interesting paragraph because it confirms something that is supported by other scriptures. The illustration of the broad and narrow paths shows that salvation will only be achieved by a minority. The understanding of when humanity will become faint out of fear is not during the majority of the period of the last days but immediately pre-Armageddon as they realise judgement is upon them.

    Jehovah has an express wish for all to gain repentance. This paragraph shows the signs are, on their own, not going to be enough for people to recognise the severity of the situation and seek Jehovah.

    Survival through Armageddon is for the minority so that places a massive emphasis on the preaching work and the efforts made to reach as many people as possible.

  • Heaven

    So JWs have been preaching for quite a long time now, why have they still not preached to these people?

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