For the new ones to this site....

by Mimilly 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mimilly

    I've noticed many new ones to our lil community here and have been unable to welcome you all personally.

    There is a great variety of people here and loads of information and support. Feel free to vent! It's healthy.

    Please don't let anyone's comments send you away. If you find you do not get along with someone, then avoid them like you would do in your neighborhood. Ask for qualification if you don't understand someone's post before retaliating. Behind every post is a person. There is alot of humor and sarcasm here, which help in dealing with the pain and anger at the WTS's affect on our lives. Oh - and if you don't like the topic of a thread - don't read it.

    I found this site after being isolated socially for ten years after the Borg. It has become very much a home for me. The information and support here is beyond comprehension. People here care enough to be truthful and incredibly supportive. The people here are treasures, plain and simple.

    WELCOME! I look forward to getting to know each of you. I've read some of your posts, but have been unable to get into chat recently due to personal reasons (and it has nothing to do with this great site)

    hugs, Mimilly

  • Been there
    Been there


    Haven't seen you in a while, I've been wondering how your daughter is????????

    While I'm at it Mulan, how is your mom?

    Welcome all Newbies to the board.

    KY Been

  • Prisca

    I'm with Mimilly on this one!

    There have been heaps of newbies join us in the recent days/weeks, and it is hard to keep up with everyone. So I'd like to say "WELCOME" to all the new ones, and I hope you enjoy your time here!

  • Matty

    Mimilly, you are criminally adorable.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Amen Mimilly. Some have the attitude that since they have been out of the borg for x amount of years, they have the 'authority' to put down others. They fail to see their character flaw.

    The Bible is flooded with people doing absurd things. Whether one believes the Bible or not is the issue here, what is, is that 'wicked' acts and behaviour is condemned. We as mere humans fail to give others the benefit of the doubt. We think we have all the answers! That's a bunch of crap.

    I've been mistreated by the borg., but my life does NOT revolve around their mistreatment of me. I have things to do and I do them, my life hasn't stopped. Just because they have mistreated me it doesn't give me the authority to mistreat others.

    None of us are home free with our Creator. Solomon said, "For your own heart well knows even many times that you, EVEN YOU, have called down evil upon others." Paul said, " you the however, the one teaching someone else not teach yourself?......" And finally, "Vengeance is mine; I will repay says the LORD,"

    There are so many things 'beyond' our control and we just have to let events take their course. We should be helping and mending the lives of others by positive comments and assisting them to cope and move on with their lives. If I'm wrong, baby, I'm in deep trouble.

    Guest 77

  • onacruse

    Mimilly, I take your welcome personally!

    Been here a whole 2 weeks (wow) and already a Senior Member (thank you, Simon, for such a lenient bell curve) Really just an old geezer Newbie.

    Guest77: Love your positive attitude!


  • Mackin

    Welcome y'all from the southern hemisphere.

    Hope to meet you all in time.


  • abbagail

    Nice idea for a thread, Mimilly, and thanks, I'm a fairly new newbie. Thanks to the others for their greetings also. I could relate to your comment:

    I found this site after being isolated socially for ten years after the Borg. It has become very much a home for me.

    Make that 12 years for yours truly, and ever since Dateline aired, I've been here quite frequently, many times too tired to post, but always reading. Admittedly, I did run across some threads earlier on that upset me, too much jumping down the throat of seemingly innocent posters, who were, as you say, run off by (to me) shockingly unnecessary attacks. So I would withdraw and be turned off, and avoid the site for awhile. Then when all my regular emails are read, and a few other sites visited (SL is on my daily rounds of sites, too), I would find myself back here 'cuz it's "Open 24 Hours" with a never-ending supply of threads, old and new, to keep my brain occupied.

    Does everybody have DSL so the thread pages flip over faster? I find it pretty time-consuming to try to even add a brief comment to all the posts I read and would like to reply to. I'm still on dial-up. Slow Slow.

    Also, while I'm at it, I have wondered if there is a Newbie Education Page, with instructions on how to do things. For instance, where does everybody get their pictures and/or art clips from for their ID pics? And how do you put it next to your ID?

    And, are those pictures REALLY you guys? Like LB (I think) and some of the other guys and all the ladies... are those your real pics? Of course, I realize some of them are NOT, like that Mike Musto, that's not really a pic of him is it, with the red shirt that everybody makes fun of? (Red happens to be one of my favorite colors, btw). ;) Whose pics are real and whose aren't and how would one know? ;)

    Personally, I've never had a "hate relationship" with the org. My 11 years there were all good, no problems. Didn't leave it because of doctrine or mistreatment or anything like that. I have always felt a fondness for (and guilt for being away from) the WTS/JWs. However, if I'm not careful, you guys may make an Official Apostate outta me yet... ;) (in the sense of still feeling "emotionally attached" to the WTS). I notice in my posts of late, I'm beginning to sound like the rest of yooz guys. Sometimes I think I have two personalities, back and forth, on how I feel about it. Anybody know what I mean?

    Well, that's all for now, and thanks again!


  • AjaxMan


    You are a sweetheart! I am glad that there are big-hearted people like you. You are definitely what we need. I will definitely say that based on what you've gone thru and with your approach toward life and others, you are a better person than many of us.

    Regards, Hugs and Kisses,


  • ugg

    i am a newbie,,,,i have posted twice before this.....thank you for the welcome every one....that was

    real nice.....ugg.....

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