For the new ones to this site....

by Mimilly 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • LeslieV

    Thanks Simon for addressing my post!!! You are the very first person that has ever done that. I feel privileged.


  • Lamia

    This really is addictive!...

    thank you mimilly for response, and also to beautiful garbage for answers,.... i have more questions! what is the true meaning of life then?........ this could either be humour, or an entirely new thread altogether

    my belief now is...... an it harm none, what ye will. + i mean NONE!

  • larc

    Beuatiful Garbage, you say you admire someone who can take something of little value and make something of it. Well, that is what my wife did to me. As Bob Dylan sang, If not for you winter would have no spring. Wouldn't hear a robin sing, wouldn't have a clue, if not for you. If not for you the sky would fall, rain would gather too, if not for you.... Those Dylan words are dedicated to my wife.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Thanks for the welcome and a big HOWDY to y'all too! I know when I first started to look at these sites, I felt extremely nervous and somewhat ashamed. I just knew I would be found out and DF'd before I even got home. It's nice to be somewhere though where I'm not going to be judged and condemned just for having a different viewpoint. Personally, I don't care if the talk veers off into sex, sarcasm, etc. Nothing says I have to read it. A bit like the TV, isn't it? If I don't like it, I can change the channel. I guess that's why they have chocolate and vanilla.

  • abbagail

    Thanks for understanding, Lady Lee (who wrote: GRITS being split for a while is part of the process - It goes away after a while -- faster if you hang out here). I know THAT's true... I think it's happening already. ;-)

    Mimilly: Will do re: the Newbie Education Idea. (Just wondered if it had already been done. Didn't want to duplicate effort.) -- Also, are you lying on a pillow in your picture? :) (joking). Maybe it's that toothache, eh? I empathize with that, got a few hairline fractures in mine which need crowns and stuff. Not Fun!

    Lamia wrote: "well i myself personally for 15 of those 19 yrs woke up + fell asleep every day saying...... 'its today , armygiddyon, its today!!!!!!" ---- Ain't THAT the truth! Many times I would say the same thing to myself, actually in FEAR, 'cuz still thinking I'm going to have the Angel of Death visit my door when Armageddon strikes. I just try not to think about it...

    I forget who wrote about fear of being a thread killer... Had the same feeling a time or two, but my "reasonable" mind says that's my insecurity speaking, and not true at all. There's just TOO MANY threads going ALL the time. Impossible for everyone to keep up with them all, I'm sure, though I sure do keep trying! :)

    Big Tex... Now why did you have to go and mention CHOCOLATE! Now I WANT some! ;)

    Thanks to everybody who posted their greetings. That really is a nice thing to do.

    And as a Fairly-New-Newbie, I greet and welcome the other Newbies!


  • Mimilly

    Grits - Actually, I am on a pillow in that pic. It was taken just after my oldest daughter came home from having emergency surgery for an ectopic pregnancy. I had friends bugging me for a pic, so I took a pic here and there and then finally, laid on her bed set up upstairs so she'd be on the same floor as the bathroom and it worked nicely. I was extremely tired - went for five days without sleep looking after her and this pic was I think two days after she came home. I slapped on some make-up and snapped away. I think I fell asleep after that. LOL. It was this past April.

    And yes, post your idea cos I think it would be an excellent addition to the site.

    hugs, Mimilly

  • Vivamus

    Thanks for your welcome. I am a definite newbie, signed up today.

    I have been a witness for seven years, and have been in the real world again since last February.

    I am enjoying life with much vigor. So much I have missed. Anyway, I look forward on visiting this site regularly, it helps a lot to read about others experiences.


  • Sentinel


    Can you read my mind or what! Your post is very timely and appropriate.

    I too have noticed sooo much activity, I cannot keep up lately. So many new posts and new friends. So much to read. And the way you described the Forum here, is right on the mark.

    Many of us have been very damaged and very hurt by our experiences, and are naturally cautious. Your recommendation to just browe around the Forum and be selective according to your choice is good admonition. We will be drawn to areas where we find what we need, whether it be a caring ((HUG)), some help and direction, some answers, some affirmations, or just a fun laugh or two. Other posts might offend us. We don't judge. We just pass those by.

    Not everyone on here is of the same mind. Some are not JW's, but are familiar for one reason or another-marriage, family, friends. Some have been inactive for a short time or a very long time. Some df'd or da'd, losing friends and families. Some are still JW's with serious questions. And, then we have a few troublemakers, but Simon usually shows them the door.

    And through the e-mail connections here, I have come to know some wonderful, sincere friends. Most of us have a unique common bond, so we truly already understand so many things that people that have never had any contact with the JW's do not. My husband's response to me, after locating this Forum, is that he is so very glad that I have "a place to go" where I can relate to a group who would truly understand my experiences.

    Also, at times, what we mean to say or express might not be taken the way we intended. Sometimes we have to say we are sorry, or make a clarification. Printed word does not give all the expression of feeling as direct contact. We just have to try to give folks the benefit of the doubt most times.(I still need to figure out how to use those other icons??)

    Along with Mimilly, I Welcome All


  • cabm52

    Thank you from a quiet lurker, who's just learning to open her mouth

    I have learned to so much being here, after being disfellowshipped in 1970 I am just learning to speak up.

    For 2 months I have been reading, I think I am ready to talk.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    Welcome. I lurked here to a couple of months too. We would love to hear your story when you're ready.

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