This is so horrible and unimaginably cruel. I'm usually a very laid-back, easy-going guy, but if I EVER saw people doing something this cruel to a helpless little kitten they would get to find out many painful things about the pointy end of a stick!
Kitten Burnt on Hot Coals (Serious)
by SYN 31 Replies latest jw friends
The guy should get his balls cut off for that....
This is terrible. What kind of people would burn any living creature for the sheer pleasure of it? Now this is an example of evil people. The whole group who stood and watched laughing it on , should be punished too. If only one of the group would have grabbed the kitten before that lady had to do it, maybe it would have been able to be nursed back to health. It just makes you wonder how someone could be that callous and cruel..... sure you could say he was mentally ill, pyshco, or maybe abused as a child. But the WHOLE group of them,,,,,do they all have some excuse for their behavoir? They should all have to endure what that kitten went thru.... how can anyone enjoy the pain of a little creature,,,, ??????????
every single time i see things like this, i marvel at humanity's capacity for evil. you would think that creatures with hearts and souls would be incapable of such heniousity. what dorks.
"Cruelty is, perhaps, the worst kid of sin." ~G. K. Chesterton
Would it be right to value the life of a small creature such as a kitten above that of a human being?
Well, in this case ... yes. Shoot the bastard.
Get the Glock.
Personaly I would knock seven bales of s*** out of him,
This type of person is just scum.
Yours in anger.
Simon -
As I was reading the article, I tried to put myself in the shoes of the rescuer, and wondered how I might prevent the groups from escaping unidentified, perhaps by shooting a few photos. Just before reading your reply I though that maybe busting a cap in the asses would make it easier for police to i.d. them.
George Bush is the Forrest Gump of shady business.
Kill the whole lot of bastards who participated in this.
That is sick.
How can any person do such a thing to an innocent infant animal?
They KNEW they were wrong, they scattered when the woman threatened to call the police.
Throw the book at that 24 yr old phV<K and all of his buddies.
Id take pleasure in shoving his face onto a barbecue grill and leaving permanent scars all over his mug.
See if he thinks that is just as funny.
People (If they even deserved to be called that) that hurt animals and children get me soo pissed off that I just want to incorporate the eye for an eye law.
It is down right disgusting what they did hear. I was thinking of my kitty and almost lost it. I wish they would lock these people up and let the other prisoners have a go at them.
Makes me sick!!!!!!!!!