I am not sure if Imbue is asking a serious question on the boiling of lobsters.
But if you are Imbue, I think there is a big difference.
The point of what these guys did was for the pleasure , the fun, the sick laugh of hurting this little kitty. They were not going to eat it, as you know.
I dont know believe in killing for sport either. I think that if you kill something , unless it is self defensive of course, you should eat it. I live in the south and from very only young boys are taught how to go huntin with the men. Most of everyone I know who does this, actually do eat what the kill. You have to teach your children that to kill an animal for the fun of it is wrong. It is even hard for the young ones when they first kill an animal, even knowing that that deer will put meat on the table for the winter.
I can't speak for eveyone, but in the south hunting and fishing are common place here. Alot of folks even depend on hunting and fishing as a to feed the family. I often wonder if how they can do it, I have trouble putting a worm on a hook because I know it hurts the worm. But I am such an animal lover I can't go hunting in the woods, unless I had to. It would mean absolutly do it or starve.
I prefer to let someone eles do the killing , and I will just pick the meat up at the grocery store. Everytime I eat a hamburger or fried chicken, I do not forget that that was a living creature at one time. It bothered me at one time I thought of giving up meat. That didnt last long thou.
So boiling crawfish or lobsters is no different from the slaughter house, and in fact may be a quicker death, as I have seen some of the horrible ways the kill cattle. I wont go into detail, but it is a shocker.
But lets remember the issue here, these guys did this for FUN.