The 11th hour is a reference to the last 7 years of the last generation period beginning in 1914. Revelation says that a "half hour" is the same as 3.5 years or an hour is 7 years.
In the Vineyard parable workers are selected throughout 11 hours to work. Presuming they began to be selected in 1914, 11 hours would end 77 years later in 1991.
After that the slaves would be paid. That's why it's important to understand that the "last hour" is not the 11th hour but the 12th! This is the hour when the anti-christ would be revealed just before the Messiah arrives. By this we know that the Messiah can't arrive before 1991 and that the "man of lawlessness must be exposed prior to his arrival sometime within that "last hour".
This was fulfilled when the WTS' GB were identified as the "evil slave" and the man of lawlessness who makes itself a god in God's own temple, that temple meaning from among the anointed ones of JWs. They were told they were this apostate "evil slave" in a letter from the "Watchman" around November 10, 1992. Their apostate President, Fred Franz, died shortly afterward on December 23, 1992 just a few days before the "sign of the son of man" appeared on December 26, 1992.
The payment of the workers would begin after Passover of 1993 and throughout the 'LAST HOUR", starting with the 11th hour workers ("the last will be first and the first last) until 7 years expired from 1991 in the fall of 1998. Thus the "last hour" was from 1991 to 1998.
The "covenant" with Israel and the WTS, God's two houses, ended in 1996, which ends the 70 weeks falling during our day. (i.e. from 36CE ending the first 70 weeks we count X4 70 weeks (490 years) down to our day, which is 1960 years ending in 1996).