New here

by EMTmom 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • EMTmom

    I cannot thank you enough for that link Outnfree!! I see now where I was going wrong. The advice rorm all of you has been wonderful. I didn't come to this frame of mind overnight and I shouldn't expect myhusband to change overnight either.

    I know exactly what would happen if I went to the Elders. My husband has asked me time and again to go to them because he can't answer my questions. I have told him that I have been in longer then some of these Elders since I have been around it since birth and that they have no more information than I have.

    I look forward to getting to know you all better. This forum gives me an outlet that I otherwise wouldn't have.

  • Carmel


    I wish you all the best in dealing with trying to extricate yourself from this religious mafia! I hope your husband can get his act together and not loose you and his kids. Stick around and don't be shy! You sound like someone who could contribute a lot here as well as use the support.

    We're pullin for ya!


  • bikerchic

    First of all welcome EMTmom! Keep coming here for support, I'm a newbie here also and I have litterally had my "eyes oppened"....about the things I had only suspected were wrong with the borg and much more, I'm so grateful to have this place to come to to help me sort it all out.


    I've got to tell you I am shaking after reading the letter wrote by Amazing on the site you posted. Wow, now I have a better understanding of what happened to my family (kids) I gave them the permission always to question and never to be judged by their questioning in their early teens they all pretty much chosed to leave the borg, I remember thinking WOW their arguments were so valid.....secretly hoping in the good christian way that maybe they would come to their senses and return and yet also glad that they chose to leave the borg, talk about a confused Mom! sheese! Now they say, "it's about time you came to your senses Mom", anyway we are all still in a way sorting out the whole mess and I think it's time for me to order some books, do some reading and try to figure out this whole "god" thing......does anyone have the answers?

    Also how would I go about emailing Amazing? If you read this Amazing I would love to talk to you I have so many questions........


    "Life is like a ten speed bike, we all have gears we never use." Charles Schultz

  • sisteract


    welcome---i'm pretty new myself. it was a struggle to say the least for me to leave the jw's, and i had no children. at the height of my"spiritual actions" i pioneered with my elder husband. when i started having serious doubts it definitely caused a struggle. i didn't go on line but i had some "apostate" literature i used to hide and secretly read when he was not home. our marriage had some real problems--expecially lack of communication--and finally dissolved. you never know what will happen. hopefully he'll see the "light" and the inconsistencies and hypocrisies in the organization. did your father and mother live on marthas' vineyard before she died?your story sounds very familiar about a family once from the island whose mother died in childbirth and the father met someone soon afterward and moved off island. it was not long after this that i moved to the island and a pioneer sister started a bible study with me. i believe you'll get some really good support here, and you're not alone in your quest for real "TRUTH".


  • DakotaRed

    Welcome, EMT. I didn't fall the Watchtower act until I was in my mid-forties, but saw the light. Unfortunately, while still held captive, I married one of them. Then is when I discovered what a bunch of Jehovacrites they really are. Eight years later and after a period of inactivity, I am DA'd, divorcing and getting my life back in order. The estranged wife still wishes to cling to Watchtower doctrine and follow them blindly, but the split is due to much more than that. Still, it all showed me that there is no real support in the JWs, just demands to attend meetings and go out in service.

    I do believe you will find this to be a real supportive and friendly forum, I have. I have even met a real special lady here and hopefully, we will be able to meet in the flesh in the near future.

    Your story is so like many others it all makes me wonder why anyone would wish to be part of the group. But, I too was sucked in, so it does happen.

    Lew W

  • LB

    It's good advice, not to push. Another thing is many marriages have been saved by consuling. Don't let an elder do it. I'm sure you love your husband and want to please him but don't let him push you into visiting an elder about it. They have zero training.

  • Mackin

    I'm sorry your in such a difficult situation EMTmom. My heart goes out to you.

    I'm also never married, but stick with us, we'll do our best to help you cope.


  • SPAZnik

    Welcome EMTmom!


  • Prisca

    Hello and welcome!!

    I'm sorry that you are in such a difficult situation, but there are others on this forum who have been/are in the same situation, so you will get much support here.

  • Simon

    Hiya ! Welcome to our humble abode ...

    So sorry to hear what you've personally lost because of the blood doctrine.

    I would suggest that you don't write to the society as any form of putting your doubts down in writing will just be used as evidence with which to announce you have DA'd yourself or they may even DF you for it.

    Be very careful who you talk to - especially anyone 'official' such as MS's or elders. They will betray you.

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