I am so sorry that you all have to tease and ridicule, when it is in our hearts to serve like Christ did, But Jesus, was ridiculed, he was young, I know a young anointed sister who gave this interesting illustration, Jesus was a common name back then, and he was from an unpopular town, Nazareth,, so How would you all feel if he came today and was called Carlos from Pueblo?,
Many people thought he was crazy, and he was ridiculed and hated,
Matthew 19:30 states, "But many that are first will be last and the last first."
I have like four others of my hope I know, and we are under so much stress it is unbelievable, It is a hard, but Jesus, endured a torture stake despising shame, so we pick up ours, I guess it is to be expected.
Edited by - 11thHour on 18 July 2002 13:40:52
Edited by - 11thHour on 18 July 2002 13:41:33