by 11thHour 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • The_Bad_Seed
    Jesus was a common name back then, and he was from an unpopular town, Nazareth,, so How would you all feel if he came today and was called Carlos from Pueblo?,

    WTF!? Are you for real? LMAO

  • Bhagavad

    The last congregation I was in had a brother who claimed to be one of the "anointed." His business dealings and his questionable practices and his taking brothers to court and his being abusive in person and from the platform and his loving to investigate the minutest details of "wrongdoing" among the flock to the point of not showing mercy, thus helping them to say "to hell with it all" and leave the "truth" and his eventually being ratted on by a family member about his abusing them sexually years before, resulting in his losing all his "privileges", as well as his claiming, when the brothers wanted to put him to task for his business dealings with a "Babylon the Great" religious organization, that "we all have to make a living," helped me ever so much, in addition to other things, to not put stock any more in the "anointed" so that I could finally see that it was ALL a bunch of BS and leave.

    Reasonings about how the early "Christians" were of the anointed as well as the apostles have only confirmed my utter distaste and abhorrence of Jehovah's Witnesses, Christianity in general, as well as all or most other "organized" religions. Yes ,an "anointed" one helped me to see the light.

    Edited by - Bhagavad on 18 July 2002 14:8:39

  • Crazy151drinker

    Peublo Colorado??? Isnt that where you cant get all of those cool Govt. pamphlets????

  • scumrat

    I have been annointed with a vast wealth of useless knowledge. that doesn't make me any better than you!!

  • Seeker4

    11th hour,

    Don't ridicule you? But you seem so ridiculous!! And that silly illustration about Jesus coming back as a Mexican peasant or something - what is your point? If he did, and shook up the world with a wonderful new teaching about how to live, what would his origins matter?

    But you're not doing that, all you new, young anointed ones. No new, remarkable teachings and wisdom with you. No wonderful, spiritual role models turning the WTS around here! You guys are just playing a child's game of imagined spirituality and imagined baptism with holy spirit, which you feel makes you superior to the rest of us.

    Grow up, for god's sake. Get your heads out of your asses and take a look at the world and the Bible and get yourselves some education. Learn to think - rationally, skeptically, creatively. And stop whining! Anointed footstep followers of Christ -paleeeez!! At least create a new mythology, for Christ's sake.


  • Dismembered

    11th Hour said

    "I know a young anointed sister....."

    There should be no such thing as the above quote, 11th Hour. Only "Older Ones" Are you a newbie JW?

  • RedhorseWoman

    11thHour, look, honey, take my advice....become Catholic...then the anointed question is moot...everyone goes to Heaven there.

    Why set yourself up for ridicule within the JW organization? You know quite well, I'm sure, that most active JWs think anyone claiming to be anointed who is under the age of 80 is mentally ill, don't you?

    And here....well, here the title "Anointed" doesn't carry a heck of a lot of weight. Here you have to stand on your own two feet, and intelligence and logical thinking abilities will get you much further than claiming to be in an Elite class within an Elite organization.

  • avengers
    we are under so much stress it is unbelievable, It is a hard

    Jehovah says: "Where my spirit is there's freedom". Where's your freedom?

    Jesus said: "My load is light". Is your load light?

    Think about it. Who is really making your load heavy?

  • heathen

    I still ascribe to the belief that women cannot be of the annointed class ,there is no sound reason to believe that wt doctrine and believe me they love to jump on your ass over that one.

  • Robdar

    Uh oh Heathen,

    You are about to get it for this one. LOL

    *sits back with popcorn to watch the fur fly*



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