given WT teaching of 1914, generation is expiring now.
Pro,I did not say given present wt teaching of generation. I have posted before how the word generation is defined in the Bible in length of years regardless of whether people live 50 years or 100 years. And based on that, generation is expiring now. And JW are excited about that.
I hope to see the true prediction on the morning of 8/21/2017 "the "Sun shall be darkened." not Math 24:29, it is not paradise yet.
God gives JW a taste of that paradise now. JW are not worried about the GT not coming. They are convinced.
Let me put it to you this way. If you had solid evidence from God, and you waited for the GT, not matter how disappointing it would be,even if you got old waiting and even in your death bed you would be in expectation because of the evidence that you have. And through out the years you would enjoy that evidence. It is hard enduring and suffering in this world and that is one reason JW want the end but not because they do not believe. Let me put it to you this way just as an illustration. Suppose God's angel came to you. That would be all the evidence that you needed and even if you waited very very long for the GT after that, you would always enjoy thinking about it while you were waiting, and you knew what you knew. You would never give up waiting, you would be convinced and even if the GT did not come when you expected it, you would still be convinced. Darkness is for those that are spiritually blind, not for JW. JW are not worried about the end not coming,