Ex witnesses in UK

by Michelleatkin 54 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ISP

    Manchester........here also!


  • Tish

    Hi there,

    I am also new to this site. I live in Peterborough, Cambs. Great to see I am not alone!!

    Take Care,


  • KenUK

    Hi Tish,

    Welcome - sort of lurk a lot here (still struggling to make a 100 posts). Resident of Chatteris, Cambs (well someone has to live there). Work in Peterborough (allegedley..) and ex jw since 1993 (d/fed from St Ives cong) after 33 years (since birth) in the troof!!


  • Simon

    Hey KenUK ... how goes it!

    We just had a great get-together down in Weston-Super-Mare but are planning one nearer north soon. Hope to be able to see you again if you can make it.

  • Thirdson

    Hi Michelleatkin,

    I am an ex-pat Brit which sort of discounts me. But anyway, welcome to the board.

    I noticed from Valis' map there are still some Brits mising. Also, there are very few posters from the West-Midlands (like zero). Birmingham and the surrounding area has loads of JW congregations and thus loads of ex-JWs; so where are you?

    (formerly of Worcestershire No. 1 Circuit, and longtime attendee of the Dudley Assembly Hall.)

  • ISP

    Yep there are a few missing.....Uncle Onion is in Colchester for example.......


  • KenUK

    Thanks Simon,

    Had hoped to go south but recovering from moving house - some advice - don't do it! Have moved only @500 yards - may as well have moved 500 miles - phones, gas, elec and most importantly SKY - all hassle! (Ands that beside the chain!!!)

    North sounds good (suspicion it be the M'cer area:-) - pick a non rainy day...)) though off on hols first 2 weeks in August.

    Hi to the family from Lesley & Leanne too!!


    Edited by - KenUK on 28 July 2002 14:36:41

  • Nowfree

    Hi everyone!

    I am another exJW in the southeast of the UK (like Anglise!)

    Any more of us down in the warmer climate of the south coast?


  • kat7302

    Hey everyone,

    I was in Barry congregation then moved to Dinas for about a week! I lived in Cardiff for about 9/10 years but now back in Barry.

  • arachnia

    I'm not from the UK, but thought I'd pop in and say hello and ask if anyone ever attended one of the Southampton congregations where Sarah-Kate Burgess and her family went? Her father James, and mother Sally - he is an elder and anointed, used to play bassoon in a symphony. Long story short - Sarah-Kate (S'kate) was a dear friend and I lost touch with her in 1996 as I was making my exodus. I've always hoped since then that our paths will cross once again, hopefully with her having left the Borg as well. Anyway, her phone number has changed, I sent a letter but suspect that she has moved from her flat in Midanbury where I last knew her to reside, and I'm not entirely sure she'd speak to me now. (I DA'd in 97). I've tried the BT.com phone directory, the Friends Reunited, but alas, no success. And of course, any searches for missing persons I've found are based on electoral rolls, and so that's useless. However, I'm still hoping. She was dating a fellow named Farid when I last visted in 1996 and he had yet to be baptised, so maybe they made their way out before he got trapped too. ;) Anyone perchance know her, or of her family? Her brother Kevin is a chiropractor and she has an older sister who left the dubs, she's married with kids. Help! If you know her please help me get in touch with her, I'd appreciate it so very much. :)


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