How do the locals speak near you?

by sleepy 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • unclebruce

    LOL@Jehovadanndy & franswaaaa

    In Australia we all speak our Queens english. A Jehovah's Witness is a Jehovah's Witness (though most people give up trying to pronounce such a difficult name and just grunt or mumble something like 'not interested' . In fact the expression "not interested" is so popular at the approach of an oncomming witness it's only a matter of time before the WBTS registers the name to prevent it becomming a breakaway sect of it's own.

    Gee wouldn't it be neat at the doors ... get in first - "g'day, i'm one of Not Intersted and i'm calling to offer you a free home bible study" ... aaaa



    Joe-hoes/Jah-hoe-bahs/What did Joe the Hobo Witness?/JW bastards/Lyin Joe-Hoes/Cheap bastards...It didn`t matter where we went,the dubs did not have a good reputation in a lot of places...OUTLAW

    Edited by - OUTLAW on 19 July 2002 21:37:26

  • gumby

    Arent you a Jehovah? This was one I remember aside from the ones already spoken of.....also..."The Watchtower" Arizona and Calif, is where I've lived.

  • LB

    Around here it's Jovies.

  • Tammie

    It's been a while. But in Wisconsin they said J-Hova. At least that was the way it sounded to me. By the way at the time I was just a little country bumpin from Texas. So they sounded like a foren speaking folks to me.

    Edited by - Tammie on 20 July 2002 0:37:20

  • SPAZnik

    lol finnrot and joannadandy....same thing where i live.

    SPAZ the x-jehovah.

  • Stephanus

    Outlaw's right - we used to call 'em Joe-Hoes or Jay-Dubs. Even Vee-Dubs (short for Volkswagen) as a nickname.

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