Fusion, careful how you interact with your audience and learn from their mistakes. One area people shut down is when ignorant objectors resort to name calling, most people don't read their arguments unless their part of the choir. I enjoyed watching the smartest people engage at the highest level and still their do not resort to 6-9th grade name calling and insults like "your a retard!". Please do not attack people, like the detective seeking evidence and facts, think "Just the facts please" attitude.
Problems with Common Atheist Arguments
by FusionTheism 89 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hold Me-Thrill Me
Until next time, Viviane. -
I admit i have cyber drooled on your avatar. Shes smart and sexy -
I admit i have cyber drooled on your avatar. Shes smart and sexy
Yes, Amy Mainzer is quite the lady.
Viviane winning another theist over to enlightened non-belief, I see ... -
Viviane winning another theist over to enlightened non-belief, I see ...
In what way are you imagining that was my goal?
I had to look up derp......am I behind the times! -
Oh, I am lot of things, Morpheus. -
Fine tuning is an argument?
"Hey look at the tight tolerances for fluctuation these forces have! God did it! Woo hoo! Masturbation is a sin after all!"
Forces having a low tolerance window of fluctuation are proof that forces-having-a-low-tolerance-window-of-fluctuation exist. Nothing else.