Will Bill Bowen Be Disfellowshipped Wednesday

by Kenneson 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kenneson

    The Watchtower just doesn't get it. They won't be satified until they disfellowship Bill. Another hearing is scheduled for Wednesday. Do they think that will make the pedophile problem go away?


  • DakotaRed

    They aren't worried about making the problem go away, just covering it up to discredit the whistle blowers. Instead of doing what a Christian should do, admitting there is a problem and taking positive steps to change it, they would rather cover it all up and pretend they are holy. Correcting the situation is all I believe Bill and others are seeking.

    Lew W

  • StinkyPantz

    They don't care about the pedophile problem. If they cared about that, 23,000 more people would be in jail. All they care about is their precious name!

  • Crystal

    If they do disfellowship him it will prove our point!When the media gets wind of this everybody is going to know just how corrupt the org. is.

    If they had any sense they would just leave it alone,but they dont,and they will be the ones responsible for their own demise ...its a beautiful thing!

  • Shutterbug

    Bill has stated in the past, as Red pointed out, that his goal is to correct this horrible situation. However, he is probably past the point of no return as he has embarresed the WTS. If they had listened to Bill in the first place this mess would have been avoided.

  • teejay

    When I was a Dub, I NEVER cared what someone did that got them df'd. Never. Well, that's changed. For the first time (if Bill gets df'd) I wanna know what the sinner did!

    What the stated charges are, anyway.

  • Seeker4

    Will Bill be disfellowshipped? Without a doubt.

    This will just be one more in the spectacular series of public relations blunders the WTS has committed around this issue. I've commented here several times over the past few months that the Society could not have been stupider in how it has handled this situation if it tried.

    From the moment they invited the Pandelos, Barbara, and Bill to judicial meetings in early May, the way in which the Society is being portrayed in the media has been in a horrible death spiral. When the WTS makes the Catholic Church look good, you know it's a real mess! Just look at what has happened since then - Dateline, Panorama, today's Reporting Religion piece on NPR, and a new AP article on Bill today, just to name a few.

    The Panorama and Reporting Religion pieces were even more hard hitting and rough on the Society than the Dateline or the earlier newspaper and magazine articles. Why? Journalists are getting sick of the run-around the Society is giving them on this issue. It's become obvious to them that the Society has avoided taking any responsibility on this issue. And using their video tapes to provide the press with answers is just another big mistake on the Society's part. The Panorama reporter could hardly disguise the disgust in her voice that the videos were the Society's "official" response.

    It's hard to believe that the Society's PR people are really that ignorant about how to deal with the press in a way that seems genuine and sincere. They come across as grey old men in grey old suits trying to cover their grey old asses.

    Which, come to think of it, is exactly what they are.


  • willy_think

    I wonder if people like myself, who believe the WT is railroading bill, would be considered "conspiracy theorists."

    I believe the WT is conspiring to discredit a good man.

    I believe Bill's efforts to bring aid and protection to the children of witness to be the motive behind the slanderous campaign.

    I believe WT officials have had meetings discussing Bill and ways to discredit the info. that SL and others involved in this cause are bringing forward.

    I believe WT lawyers have prepared the elders who are to conduct his inquisition.

    I believe the WT active conspirers against any significant threat.

    That's my "conspiracy theory" any way. Call me a nut if you like..................

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    What do you expect with a with a group of people that are still living in the 19 century. The old tried and proved tactics will not work in this 21 century. They will try and fail miserably.


  • minimus

    If BIll Bowen is disfellowshipped, loyal JW's will regard him as another apostate, just like they did with Ray Franz and Dunlap and all the others that disagreed with the Society.Oldtimers will not take an issue for Bowen or anyone else that is disfellowshipped and the Society knows this from history. There have always been defectors. Unless an issue truly affects a particular person, most people in the organization will stay braindead and just carry on.....my 2 cents

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