Edited by - WildTurkey on 20 July 2002 13:59:47
KM- Disfellowshipped Relative 8/02
by WildTurkey 19 Replies latest jw friends
I can't read it is it old age catching up with me or is it really to tiny???
*sigh* well this could explain the CHILL in my sisters voice when I went over to pick up my daughter from her house the other day..and the way her eyes kept darting over to her dubby hubby (he is reaching out you know).
Funny I am not even d/fed or d/aed.....YET...
William Penwell
Yes I just read it. Typical double speak BS from the WT. What I would like to know is why they go to the extermes of writting a 2 page article when it could be said in one sentence. "No you can't do that"??
Can someone give me the gist of what the KM stated? I can't read even a little bit of the copy here, old lady that I am. Thanks. HbH
I think it means they have changed their minds again. In 1990 wasn't allowed to go luncheon after Grandfather's funeral.
No funeral tea and coffee for Dad's funeral in Jan 2001because the step mother didn't want to make arrangements for it. Lot of icy staresbefore memorial talk but warmed up abit after the service.
After my Grandma died ( two weeks after my Dad) sandwiches were served....They even talked to me nicely. But at my Grandmas there were several non witness relatives in attendance so maybe the need to put on a show of pleasantry.
Not that I am awaiting a funeral readily but I wonder what it'll be then.