If the Governing Body members had to take a 'lie detector test' what questions would you recommend they are asked?

by Esse quam videri 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    I think it is reasonable for every leader or head of any organization that has control of peoples thinking and actions should, by law, submit to a lie detector test. The results would be accessible to any one who had an interest in the matter.This test would be required before appointment to any position and on a yearly basis. Questions could be submitted to a competent and unbiased committee for approval. A required minimum number could be set, perhaps 100, with many more questions if the situation required it. Perhaps a situation involving control over a persons actions, speech, behavior, beliefs etc. would require many more questions. Everyone would want to be assured that these people put into powerful positions would be worthy, honest and properly qualified.

    Therefore, what questions would you submit for the members of the Governing Body to answer while they are attached to a lie detector?

  • FusionTheism

    * Does the Bible say anything about the year 1919?

    * Does the Bible say anything about the year 1914?

    * Do you believe you are going to Heaven?

    * Do you believe in God?

    * Do you receive messages from Heaven?

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  • OnTheWayOut

    Do you wholeheartedly believe that Jehovah dispenses spiritual truth through the Governing Body?

    Do you believe Jehovah uses the 2/3rds majority method?

    Have you ever had premarital or extramarital sex with anyone?

    Is Armageddon really imminent?

  • punkofnice
    • Do you protect paedophiles because you are one yourself?
    • Do you know anyone on the Governing body of Jehovah's witnesses that is a paedophile?
    • Do you love the power you have?
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    Put on a lie detector and ask them all kinds of question that get them to decompartmentalize stuff the they have compartmentalized and watch the needle go hay wire. Or questions that cause cognitive dissonance and you will torture them for days and months afterwards.
  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    "Who governs your governing body?"

    Dictionary.com definition of 'govern':

    1.to rule over by right of authority:

    2. to exercise a directing or restraining influence over;
    3.to hold in check; control: to govern one's temper.
    4.to serve as or constitute a law for.

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  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri
    It is understood, of course, that while the members of the Governing Body are electronically attached to the lie detector, the interrogator could ask them to elaborate on their replies and give more detail, where necessary.
  • Crazyguy
    Have you ever been F*cked in the ass by a crowbar because you sure act like it? And was it by another GB member?

    If the Governing Body members had to take a 'lie detector test' what questions would you recommend they are asked?

    You Live in Luxury and "Beg For Money",from JWs who "Live in Poverty"..



    ............................................................We`re No Worse Than.............Ya!!...What About..

    .......................................................................THE CATHOLICS.............THE CATHOLICS!!..

    ..Image result for Kingdom hall africa.............Image result for Watchtower anthony morris

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  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Lie detectors are not reliable and can be fooled by certain people.

    The best thing to do would be to give them a brain scan. It would not detect lying but it can tell the difference between an average person and a psychopath. Psychopaths have a unique brain pattern which cannot be faked.

    This testing should be mandatory for any politician and upper level corporate management.


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