How about some embarrassing 80's pics?

by LyinEyes 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    Thanks all for posting your pics. It made me smile and laugh, laugh at how we all view ourselves.

    I see a wonderful group of people , who went thru the same JW crap that I did and lived to tell the tale.LOL

    It really warmed my heart tonite to see your faces and a glimpse into your world. I was feeling a little lonesome tonight missing my family, but this has made me feel better. Can I adopt you all as my new family? Too late I already have.

    Hugs to all, Dede

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    I just loved ALL the pictures! Being a Senior Citizen brought back a lot of good memories! I have got to get a scanner so I can post some pictures!

    Ahhh! Loved those 80's (Came out of Borg!)

    Golden Girl

  • morrisamb

    I loved all your photos. They are great.

    Lady Lee, I probably saw you working an assembly!!!

  • Nikita

    pomegranate-I am so naive but what are you doing there?


    of the naive class!

  • Valis

    Guess where these were taken?


    District Overbeer

  • pomegranate

    Heaven said:

    >>Pomogranet, That picture I actually had on file to send. I do have some very emberrasing HUGE hair pics but I would have to start scanning.

    We want BIG hair pics, we want BIG hair pics!!!!

    Nakita said:

    >>pomegranate-I am so naive but what are you doing there? Where? in the pic?? Nuthin'..honest!! ain't doing ANYTHING...not a thing, cross my heart...nuthin at all!! ahem...

    Well...OK. Bong in front, joint to my left. Funny thing, after that I stood up and this is what happened:

    The thread did say "embarassing"...right??

    Valis - errrr KH?? We like ya better NOW!!


    Edited by - pomegranate on 22 July 2002 18:59:15

  • waiting

    Ok, I have a scanner, for several years now - but my husband says it's too complicated for me so he'd rather not make me feel bad and hook it up. Strangely enough, he only said that after he read the instructions and realized that he bought the wrong type scanner off QVC. *sigh*

    But I've THOROUGHLY enjoyed the 80's romp. Hey Dakota Red.......why is it that parents don't seem to realize that a striped shirt and flowered pants just don't go together? A great picture in spite of the Clash of the Stripes!

    Thank you all............and to be honest, my mom was using AquaNet back in the 50's. Her hair was so ratted and sprayed, it had the same quality as a bird's nest.

    And Valis! I would never have figured you as "clean cut."......................


  • LyinEyes

    The guy sitting with the long hair, you look like the dude of that 70's show. My son had to point out to me what ya'll where doing and what a certain object was, I didnt even notice!!!

    Ok , Valis wins hands down on the "Most Changed Apostate", you look like such a good boy in those pictures, so innocent .

    I wanted to put one of my Wild Turkey with his very full head of hair, ok it was an afro, but he won't let me. It was even better than Lenny Kravitz' !!!!!!

  • Nikita

    I agree with Lyin, Valis gets the vote for the most changed apostate! C'mon Valis, you weren't as innocent as you looked- were you????

    Would love to see that one of Wild Turkey!


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    MorrisLamb I bet a lot more people saw me than the other way around. One guy used to follow me around all the time and tell me how much he liked watching me sign - really gave me the creeps.

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