How about some embarrassing 80's pics?

by LyinEyes 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • COMF

    How about a Before and During contrast? The one with the beard is early 1975, before I started studying with the witnesses. The other one is about 1982. See that computer screen behind me? That's a black-and-white TV connected to my 16-K TRS-80 Color Computer (I had been on Compuserve, reading You Know's post about the end coming on or about October 4th/5th, 1982). Guess what the black box on the desk to my right is...

    Edited by - COMF on 23 July 2002 21:16:18

  • SixofNine

    a tape recorder being used as a hard drive?

  • Solace

    OMG Valis, I cant believe thats you! You sure have changed

    Prisca, thank you. My daughter is 10 now. I cant believe how time flies.

    O.K. I had to dig pretty deep for these, seems I had them tucked away for some odd reason. They are about 11 years old. ((Drum roll please)) And the biggest hair award goes to......

    Can you say M.C.

    Hammer pants?

    Edited by - heaven on 23 July 2002 23:59:15

  • Dutchie

    Heaven you're simply gorgeous, big hair and all!

  • Solace

    Pomegranet, The most embarrassing thing about those pics is the amount of time I spent getting my hair to do that. No wonder we were always late for the meetings.

    Aww, thanks Dutchie. You are much too kind. I think my hair weighed more than I did at the time though.

  • pomegranate

    Whoaaaa!! LOOK AT THE SIZE OF IT!!!


    Big Hair indeed!!!

    Me thinks yer handle fits yer looks...quite lovely.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    whoa, heaven, you could be a model. very pretty

    pomegranate, i knew you were cool!

    and lady lee i just saw your pic>:
    you look so lovely - you remind me of helen hunt. were you signing here?

    wow, i'm stunned at all the gorgeousness around here. absolutely stunned.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    From the position of my hands I think I am signing the word "divine" and yes I was interpreting at the convention. I did this from 1976 to 1985 and loved it. After I left the WTS I got a few jobs interpreting and teaching sign language at McKay Centre for the deaf in Montreal. I got to interpret for college students studying everything from computer programming to physics. Subjects I had never been exposed to but found very interesting. The interpreting eventually got me a job helping integrate disabled students into the college community. And then I decided to go to college myself and gave up a lot of the interpreting.

    Here in Winnipeg I have had several opportunities to use my sign lang and even met a girl who knew tha deaf family who taught me to sign

    and thanks for the compliment - I love Helen Hunt - and sure wished I looked that good now

    Edited by - Lady Lee on 24 July 2002 20:29:10

  • Solace

    Thanks Pomagranet, ((Laughing))You made me do it. It is fun to laugh at yourself once in awhile.

    Incense, Those were taken about 11 years and two children ago. Thank you though. The red eyes are very attractive arent they. Im not sure why the last pic isnt showing up, I right clicked on the red x and clicked on "show picture" and it worked though. You must check it if you havent, since it is the funniest.

    Lady, I thought you were signing in that picture. You look so sweet and natural, it makes me looks like Jezabelle in my pics.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    sweet and natural

    Oh gawd I mostly likely was.

    I was the kid and wife that was too scared of her own shadow to do anything wrong. And in this picture I am about 30 years old and the mom of a 10 and 6 yr old (probably about 2 -3 years before I left) And elders wife. At home I was being abused. This was the one thing besides my girls that I felt good about. And I loved it and was good at it (probably because I loved it) I was also the voice that was never heard - very soft and quiet but here I could stand out - it was the first time in my life I could stand in front of a crowd and not want to hide under the seat

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