Do you hate me?

by SpiceItUp 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpiceItUp

    Oh thank you soo much guys-----I feel all warm and fuzzy inside...

    then again maybe its just the beers I had

    Either case--sometimes its just hard knowing that peolpe like you for your mind (not your

    I guess its hard not being accepted---and even though I am here I find myself constanly doubting myself--and yes this is something I work on all the time----

    just wanted to let you all know that you have made me feel 100% better....even if that wasn't your intention

    Spice of the feeling more appreciated class

  • Cath

    Hi Spice,

    I haven't spoken to you yet or replied to one of your posts but it is as Mimmily said. There are a lot of reasons I don't post much but this thread touched something in me.

    I don't know if you were df'd, da'd, faded or what but whichever, the sense of rejection that goes along with losing family & friends for me was/is almost too much to bear at times, so that comes to the fore a lot. It has made me shy and paranoid about what people think so I am especially nervous about posting and getting flak posted back. It FEELS like rejection of self rather than just normal disagreement.

    ((((((((Spice)))))))) I think I know where you're at.

    It makes it especially hard if you cannot hear the smiles or inflections in peoples voices and can't see to whom you are talking.

    I have really enjoyed your threads so keep on making us laugh and think.

    Love Cath

    ps: Hah! My mother always said I was one to have the last word.Nananananah!

  • Windchaser

    Spice, I know we don't know each other, but I just wanted to say this: I like you! Don't worry about the negative vibes you get from certain posters. I, too, get negative vibes (and all I ever wanted was to be loved). Hey, it's life in the big city and some people aren't happy unless they are trying to make someone else miserable. But, Spice, don't you let them.

    And Spanky told me this very day that Jesus loves you... He was probably spiked when he wrote his post to you.



  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl I will be sure to search out your posts!


    I found your home page!

    Little Rascals flashback!

    Alfalfa...Spanky......Darla....Buckwheat..the wholegang!

    Golden Girl..

    Ahhhh! the memories!

    Edited by - Golden Girl on 21 July 2002 5:34:43

  • SYN


    If anything, the responses to this thread should calm your mind...and I think you're cool! When I get to Florida, I will bring you a present, OK?

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    Spice.....You get a vote of Love from CC and Tink....!!!!...Ignore the ones that seem too's only peoples opinions!!!!...Keep Posting!!!!


  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    Its a joke people. Does no one see the humor in Jesus Christ saying he hates someone and calling them a sick puppy? Also, for the bazillionth time, I have nothing to with the JW's.

  • teejay

    @ Jesus!

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    I loved the play on the words...Cross...stake..and spike! What funny people are on this board...

    Golden Girl

    Edited by - Golden Girl on 21 July 2002 16:55:7

  • Solace

    Spice, just had to pop in, I hope you are feeling better. My internet service was out so I wasnt here for a few. Drove me nuts! Anyway, Take care hun. Luv ya!

    Welcome Jack, I just noticed your comment about my "excellent" posts. Are you serious? Thats so sweet of you to say. Its not often that someone tells me that something I said was "excellent". I tend to talk alot so I think my family is glad Im finally online chatting instead of driving them nuts, constantly jabbering away. Thanks so much for the compliment although Im trying for the life of me to think of which posts you are speaking of.Isnt it funny how some people can be critical of a posters style and others can be appreciative of it. There is such a diverse crowd here, I love it!

    Edited by - heaven on 24 July 2002 23:32:56

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