ARMAGGEDON has arrived !!

by refiners fire 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    How often does that thought cross your mind?

    It played on mine yesterday. Ive got a very expansive view across the Melbourne flatlands and yesterday I looked out the back window and saw this dark grey storm wall coming in with rain so heavy that it was like a solid sheet of grey, swallowing the land. Just before the rain hit where i live the wind went up like crazy and an electrical storm flashed all around.

    For the thousandth time, the thought "What if this is Armaggedon"? crossed my mind. Does this happen to you too? Every time theres a storm, or something freaky weatherwise, do you think "ARMA GI DDON!!! ?

    I remember many years ago when I was about 8 there was a huge freaky storm with giant hail stones and a roaring wind coming in like an express train. And my mother had all us kids in her arms and was babbling "Dont be afraid! Jehovah will protect us!". Tears of terror streaming down her face. Ive never forgotten that incident even after all these years.

  • unclebruce

    good post refiners fire,

    Melbourne flatlands? .. bet there not as flat as Adelaides lol. The only Armageddon we are going to face will be personal, whether it be a falling tree or the slow winding down of a long life. For a long time i thought my armaggedon came in 1975 when my father suddenly died. A few years later some other bad things happened that tore my life asunder. We carry on, we rebuild our lives we survive. The most rediculous thing for me about the JW mindset is a completely perverted and distorted view of human nature. It was a wonderfull mind clearing revelation for me to learn that "worldly people" are just people. The vast majority have no interest in hurting anyone else but just want a happy peacefull life for themselves and all around them (how else could the world go on?)

    I see religion as an impediment to human growth. People need it though. Even the WBTS serves a need many have and for that reason i can't see it ever disappearing from this planet or any other we eventually inhabit. We can just count ourselves personally lucky to have been imunised from the subserviant ignorance and mental prison of totalitarian religion in it's myriad of types and anti-types.

    so let's all get on and have an average life


    ps: that melboune weather just clips us on it's way over the east gippland .. brrrrr lol

  • Vivamus

    While I was a witness, yes, I thought many times to myself "this must be Armageddon".

    But ever since I got out, no, actually I don't. I can't remember one incident in which I thought that. Don't know why. Probably because with my lost faith in the organisation, my image of God has also died.


  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    [Does this happen to you too? [/quote]

    no, thank god.

    (when i was a witness, yes! those smarmy $%$#@@!)

    p.s. we get some pretty turbulent storms here. terribly high winds, incredible lightning displays, flash floods, and i love them. i don't see it as god's wrath anymore. if he wanted to, he could squish me like a bug anyway...

  • Prisca

    I agree with Vivamus - since I left the BOrg, my beliefs in Armageddon have gone out the window, so to speak.

    I guess even when I was a JW, I believed that Armageddon wouldn't arrive without the assorted hoopla, you know, churches being banned, financial markets crashing etc, so I believed those things would have to happen before the big A came along.

    Anyway, I love huge thunderstorms. Nothing better than having lightning and thunder crashing all around you. Provided that you're somewhere safe to watch and hear it all, that is.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ..."The most rediculous thing for me about the JW mindset is a completely perverted and distorted view of human nature. It was a wonderfull mind clearing revelation for me to learn that "worldly people" are just people"....

    Well I could write a BOOK about that one Uncle Bruce..and I HAVE written a book about it! Dont expect it will ever get published though. I came to see that friendships with most "wordly" people I came to know were less conditional than Dub friendships. They never lectured me saying "well thats not a very nice thing to say" or " what will so and so think"? They just accepted me as I was.

    IP- Im not saying that I break into a terror sweat during a storm, but its just a thought that crosses my mind. Is this Armaggedon? Even after all these years.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    IP- Im not saying that I break into a terror sweat during a storm, but its just a thought that crosses my mind. Is this Armaggedon? Even after all these years.

    i know. i didn't think that at all. i'm sorry if i made you think i was suggesting that. i was just expressing how i used to be afraid and now i'm not.

    and of course it would cross your mind; even now - it was a conditioned response to things like that, which we all developed when we were "one of them".

  • Vivamus

    Yeah, I agree with Peppermint, we were conditioned.

    You all probably read this book, but if you haven's, it shows just how mind control works, and how normal it is to still think "what if this is Armageddon..."

    Steven Hassan, "Combatting Cult Mind Control".


    Edited cause I wrote "mid" instead of "mind"

    Edited by - Vivamus on 20 July 2002 21:7:36

  • plmkrzy
    and saw this dark grey storm wall coming in with rain so heavy that it was like a solid sheet of grey, swallowing the land.

    Actually, I would like to see that it sounds awsome.

    I can remember as a kid watching the rain come towards us and trying to out run it. It was fun. Where I live you don't see stuff like that anymore. Seems to be all in the past now like a whole other time period (the olden days)

    I remember the LA riots and seeing the city on fire and the military patrolling the streets to make sure everyone was off the streets before the sun went down. There was even a chance that you would be shot by MPs if you were out beyond curfew.

    I thought then "Is this the start of Armageddon?" It was pretty scary. Just going to the store for milk was out of the question if you couldn't make it back before dark. And to think that was only a little taste of what other people in other countries live like under NORMAL circumstances.

    There were even signs on the freeways, along with the usual street and turn off signs, that would tell you when you were entering and leaving a HOT zone.

    I would see those signs driving home Now entering LA Riot Areas and wonder what the tourists must think when they drive by those signs. We did have a lot of tourists that year too. Its amazing what people want to leave their homes to go look at. Other peoples burning homes.

    Good post RF. A brain teaser for those who want to play.(just being cynical)

  • bikerchic

    We used to have Armagedon drills when I was a little kid. My Mom would tell us the police were coming to our door and we had to hide, first hide our Bibles then ourselves. I always hid under my bed and put my bible on the slats above me under the box spring mattress. I remember being scared to death! I never did that stuff to my kids, never even talked about when the big "A" comes, it scared me too much as a kid, I fugured they got scared enough going to meetings and hearing talks.

    I do remember when I was pregnant I used to be scared about "woe to the pregnant woman", and often at times when the weather was freaky too.

    Now that I've left, I can honestly say the only time I even had a near thought about the big "A" was 9-11, it worried me a lot and I came here and listening to all that was said here really calmed me down, thanks guys.


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