Does anybody know of a witness named BOB LANGSTON who was in Malden, Ma. and Medford, Ma. who claimed to be a licensed therapist and had many of the friends (ESPECIALLY THE SISTERS) as his clients? some came as far away as the Albany, New York area ( a 3 1/2 hr. drive) to have sessions with him! I've heard that in his quest to "help" the sisters, he has done more damage than good. We called the license and registration board and found out he had complaints on file with them regarding his practice.
by sisteract 34 Replies latest jw friends
last i heard, he was still disfellowshipped and again seeking reinstatement.
That name sounds familiar. I heard he used to get in trouble with the sisters during his private sessions. Doesn't surprise me he is dis-fellowshiped.
ahhh hey jjrizo you got that right. Mr theRAPIST Langston liked to increase his concubine in his " professional setting" !!!! Actually the number of sisters is more like 87... I guess he'll be pretty busy counseling them in between trying to get re-instated!!!!
I used to see him as a client when I lived in the Boston area.
If you were on your way out the door of the JWS if you saw him as a client.
He said to me, "What ever you say here you are saying to the elders." He informed me that he would report to them anything said in our session for his loyality to Jehovah was first, confidetality was second.
I was very uncomfortable with him. He used to pick and rub his gential area during our sessions. I did not see him very long for I just felt something about him was not right. Picking his balls did not help make me comfortable.
I asked other sisters who also saw him as a therepist. All three of us agreeed, he did scratch his gential area during private session he had in his home.
Did anyone else notice this disturbing behavior during their seesions with him or is it just me?
Sister Act can you email me or anyone who used to see Bob Langston?
Can anyone fill me in on what happended to him?
: All three of us agreeed, he did scratch his gential area during private session he had in his home.
This is all Bible-Based(tm).
I have to assume you are joking around, for me it is not funny. You are going for help and your therapist is picking his balls most of the session. He would squirm in his seat and pick at the same time.
My friend Gail asked me if He picked his balls. Then out friend Laurie also asked me. We all talked about it one day. I thought I was nuts and was imagining this going on. It is very scary. It came up in our conversations and we all stopped seeing him because all three of us were not comfortable.
As far as I know none of us had any sexual contact with him. I felt he was a whacker more than a Don Juan.
I only knew of two other sister who saw him. He had quite the clientlle wanting to go to private practice just serving the friends.
He had a nice house in Medford. He was married to a White Sister (He is black) with one very beatiful daughter.
He is a very nice and educated person. He sued to speak at Boston College campusus. He also worked for a local Mental health clinic and billed my insurace.
Of course it is not funny, but it does show the absurdity of JWs who turn to other JWs (with the same screwed-up indoctrination) for help. Keep in mind that the WTS is constantly saying that your own "brothers" and "sisters" are the most reliable and trustworthy people in your lives and that you should turn to them FIRST when you have a problem. Since this is supposedly "Bible-Based" I assumed you would get the absurdity of the connection I made. Obviously you didn't.
Every guy I know scratches his balls and no guy that I know is a pervert or rapist. Scratching balls in front of women as a so-called professional during a so-called professional therapy is quite another thing, but in and of itself is not proof of anything but disgustingly bad taste. You obviously have a lot of energy over it, but a lot of freak/psychos never scratched their balls in front of women they later hurt.
So what's your point?
Edited by - Farkel on 22 July 2002 2:4:2
I did get it because I stopped seeing him.
I agree it is absurd, but as JWS we don't think this way.
We just trust because he was a JW.
I had a problem with only one other therapist who was not a JW.