To the men on this thread,
Yes, women notice when men scratch, pick at (I've never seen that particular action, however), fondle, just stand and hold for dear life, etc., their penis & balls. I've actually never understood the necessity of doing any/all of the above in public or mixed company.
For a professional male to do that consistently in front of his female clients is just gross.....and suspicious, particularily if the fragility of a therapy setting.
If a male boss were to sit across from his female secretary and do that on a regular basis.....I'd be willing to bet she could make a case of it to their superiors. Vice versus, btw. I would imagine a man watching a woman - no matter her age, weight, & looks - regularily scratching between her legs, might be grossed out too.
As for jw therapists? Yeah, I went to one - and a lot of damage was done. Ms. V. Monty in Boca Raton, Fl. Had a Big JW following. You see, jw's want someone who "understands" them, their peculiar outlook on life, etc. They don't really want to go to someone who says that God just might not condemn premarital sex, homosexuality, atheism, etc.
V. Monty cost me a lot of time, money, and anger. There are just too many issued entangled for a jw to go to a therapist of their own religion. Too much entanglement, even if the therapist is good.
Btw, after being used by a therapist for their own ends - a patient tends to be quite angry for a while. Mine lasted about 3 years, then I took the plunge again. A female worldly therapist who was great. I appreciated her a lot - Jemmee Stewart, in Columbia, SC. A very good therapist - and, god bless her heart, she never scratched (or picked) at her privates.
Edited by - waiting on 23 July 2002 18:21:7