Why am I here? Sometimes I asked myself that question, and sometimes I really don't have an answer to my own question. I faded from the religion back in 1962 with my dear wife. There were few books and no internet. We were on our own with no support. Well, we made it. Later, we found out about Ray Franz's work and several others. Now, we are on the net for the past three years. So, why am I here writing to you? I am not sure myself, why am here. I think it is because I might be able to help a few people who show up here, and enjoy some friendships that have developed over these past few years.
Why am I here?
by larc 26 Replies latest jw friends
Good and sufficient reasons all, my friend. I'm happy you're here; it's a better board with you. Hope you stick around.
I think that's why I come here, too, larc. It has been like journaling for me sometimes. I couldn't deprogram myself and, by writing out my feelings and reading what other posters have to say, I have been growing. It also makes me feel like it's worthwhile when someone tells me that something I wrote helped. Actually, that makes me feel very, very good.
So glad to be here.
Francois, thank you so much for your thoughts. They meant a lot to me.
You are here because you care for your fellow man. What better reason could there be?
Larc, you were there when I was a newbie with my first post, encouraging - only a short time ago. I am still new, but already grateful you are here with your insigtful and balanced comments.
Larc..you have been out five years longer than myself. I have had no verbal discussions with anyone as to what has been going on at the Society. So much has changed, like what people with positions are called & etc. This forum has taught me so much.
Some of the abbreviations that are used I have no earthly idea what they stand for. I think Ill start writing them down and then Ill post them for someone to tell me.
There are people like me who need caring people like you. People like you that we can depend on for moral and mental support.
Pardon me but, AMEN!! I've asked myself the same question from time to time and I very much have arrived to the same conclusion. Always enjoy reading your post's and glad you are here.
Jgnat, same for me. Larc replied to one of my very first posts, and I was abashed that anyone who had been on this board so long would even notice me.
See what you've started Larc?
Deepest appreciation,
I don't why, but I am a tad emotional today. I came to learn the major works of Ray Franz and Jim Penton, but I never knew the works of some other players until I came here. People like Norm, JanH, Farkel, Kent, AlanF, Amazing, Maximus, and many others who have devoted considerable time dealing with this most malicious religion, the religion that we once considered to be our friend.