Is God that clever?

by sleepy 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    Is the God of the Bible, as bible accounts tell us and according to witness theology clever or a bit daft and wasteful?.Lets look at a few things.

    God creates man.So in someway man is designed by God.Now for some reason which is either a natural law which god cannot break, an error on his part or done on purpose, man is able to become imperfect.So either God could not forsee this or he carried on despite knowing what would happen if man turned imperfect.

    Was God right to do this?If you were God would you have carried on?Was it right that if only the first two humans managed to become imperfect or made by god imperfect that ALL humans from then on would now be so cursed?Is God using a dodgy programme or does he have no power to do things differently?

    Then god sets laws for humans.It is up to God what man can and can not do.Truble is these are exactly the things humans what to do if imperfect.Could god have changed things round a bit making it easier for humans to follow his laws?

    In fact those cursed with imperfection had no choice in the matter.And are punished for following their instincts.It goes so far that God says unless you follow my laws (which are impossible to follow fully as we are imperfect)I'm going to kill the lot of you?In fact I already know that hardly any will survive.

    If you are an imperfect human , unable to follow God through no fault of your own, you are considered wicked.But apart from that apparently God allows some other creature with his mates to to mislead these poor humans with devious plans.They are so good that you cant even tell Satan and his demon friends even exist.Yet God allows tham to causes havoc among his humans.

    Aparently only those who manage to find out God exist through a book written thousands of years earlier , without any supporting evidence of being genuinly written by God, and only those out of that number who come across a tiny religious group , lead by a bunch of men who can not prove god is using them, and who sell their magazines by going door to door are going to be saved.

    Does this make sense?Why does not God make it easier for humans?Why allow them to be bullied and mislead by super powerful creatures?Why make the "truth" so hard to find , so difficult to believe?Why punish people for things they can't help doing?

    Why?All to prove God is the only one deserving of worship.

    So is God so good why doesn't he think of a better way to sort his problems out?If God is so limited and there is no better way, is he really desrving of this worship he desires?He would just be a creature like us limited by the laws of nature.

    So in which way is God really that clever , he cant think of a way to solve his problem without having little humans suffer from sickness, death, abuse, war and millions of other things for six thousand years, and them he has to kill most of them anyway.

    Is this good use of his resoruces, in order to produce a population on earth of about six million you need six thousand years of misery and suffering, and the destruction of billions of humans in first a flood and then armageddon.

    How wasteful god is.Could you have done better?

  • Sirona

    How wasteful god is.Could you have done better?

    Good points.

    Actually, if I was God, I wouldn't have bothered with creation at all.


  • Kenneson

    Sleepy writes: "How wasteful god is. Could you have done better?"

    Since your post questions the existence of God, just remove Him from the picture. Now answer the question: Since many maintain God does not exist, has man done better? There is still sickness, death, abuse, war, etc. Are we so clever?

  • plmkrzy
    Sleepy writes: "How wasteful god is. Could you have done better?"

    uh......we are here. So appearently not.

  • sleepy

    "Could you have done better?"Is ment in the sense of you having God like power, could think of a way to sort out the problems better, not has the human race done better.

  • Vivamus

    Well, humankind is making a mess of it. But if God should exist, he has made the mess in the first place, and he is making an even greater mess of it by not doing anything.

  • Silverleaf

    Hi sleepy,

    You wrote: "God creates man.So in someway man is designed by God.Now for some reason which is either a natural law which god cannot break, an error on his part or done on purpose, man is able to become imperfect.So either God could not forsee this or he carried on despite knowing what would happen if man turned imperfect."

    Your post puts into workds my thoughts exactly. It doesn't make sense for an all-knowing, all-powerful God to have messed up so badly that his creation needs to be destroyed and reworked. It's just absurd. But as for the paragraph above, if you apply it to humans - sometimes the urge to create or procreate is so overwhelming that we do it anyway despite the risks, even when we know there could very well be insurmountable problems with our offspring. The difference between man and God apparently is that humans don't fault their children for birth defects.


  • SpiceItUp

    If god was indeed all-powerful, omnipotent etc then he has failed miserably and doesnt deserve my support. If he is not those things then why does he deserve my worship?

    Either way --- I find the whole concept of the omnipotent creator a tad bit hard to swallow.

  • gumby

    Sleepy,.... So either God could not forsee this or he carried on despite knowing what would happen if man turned imperfect.

    If we are to believe what MOST christian faiths teach.....and the bible for that matter....he carried on KNOWING what would happen. Jesus redemption for man was planned BEFORE the founding of the world.....God knew what would happen.

    Also the SAINTS, ( those who would go to heaven) were choosen BEFORE the founding of the world. God knows what is going to happen before it happens,...... if he limits himself in this regard as the witnesses teach........(this is how free will made sense to ol' freddie) then he DOSEN'T know all things.

    This is the BIGGIE,...I believe, for all of us to doubt God........WHY DID HE CREATE A WORLD WITH ERROR?

  • Mary

    I've asked myself that question a thousand times; the same question that everyone asks: Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? The discovery of Samantha Runnion's rape and murder really touched a cord in everyone and I also ask: why did God allow this to happen? While it can be argued that her Grandmother was in charge of watching her and it wasn't God's fault that this happened, the point is: if I had the power to stop some low-life pig scumbag bastard like Alejandro Avila from raping and murdering an innocent child, I would and so would most humans. To stand by and do nothing would not be an option for me.

    So why does God allow bad things to happen? I have no idea. I still believe in God, but I don't believe in every single word that's in the bible; alot of it is there as stories of morality.

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