Shunned father's daughter disappeared wit...

by Rado Vleugel 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rado Vleugel
    Rado Vleugel

    Difficult times worsen for shunned father

    ***Dying teen leaves Canada for treatment***

    The father of a teenaged leukemia patient who fought against blood transfusions for religious reasons is upset that his wife has taken their daughter out of the country to a secret location where she'll begin alternative treatments.

    Read the whole story and previous stories on

    I hope shunned father will find his daughter so he can help her.

    Rado Vleugel

  • minimus

    and these poor people think they're really doing it to please sad.

  • sunshineToo

    ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so evil!!!!!

    I don't know how the Canadian law works, but I would report to the authority for kidnapping. Her mother shouldn't have done that.

  • Kismet

    Well so much for the headship principle that they espouse. How warped these people are in their thinking (or lack thereof) that they feel justified in hiding their daughter from her loving father yet don't seem to care about pedophiles in the congregation. Disgusting!

    I would hope the media uses this to show the public that this is what JW's do. This is why the child was in need of protection by the State. Her mother would have fled the Country long ago and Mia would likely be dead had it not been for the intervention by the doctors and Child Welfare.

    And that slimely weasle (no offense to the ferrets and other cute furry weasels) David Gnam as a representative of the Watchtower is sponsoring and encouraging this abduction/runaway.

    My heart goes out to Lawrence.


  • hawkaw

    Oh God!!!! - It may be the last time Larry sees his daughter.

    If her condition is as bad as it is suppose to be ..... well .... gee this is just sooooo sad.


  • Mimilly

    Just when one thought it couldn't get worse - this happens. That poor man. Those evil bastards at the WTS. ANd that mother. I'd like to have five minutes in a room with that one. As if a miracle cure can be found now.

    I hope kidnapping charges can be laid. This is completely evil. Beyond horrible. It's scary what that lot is capable of.


  • Scully

    This just makes me feel ill.

    David Gnam and the WTS (Canadian Branch) will not stop until this girl's dead body can be handed back to her parents, and they have another "Poster Child" to put in the Awake! magazine....

    As far as I'm concerned, every JW who continues to finance this death-mongering organization with donations is bloodguilty.

    Did it every occur to ANY of them that Acts 15 just might refer to "abstaining from BLOODGUILT" the way that the Ten Commandments condemned murder?

    <shaking head>
    Love, Scully

  • Gopher

    Scully - They will twist that scripture, and ignore the headship scripture like Kismet wrote. Like the apostle Peter wrote, these people twist the scriptures to their own destruction (or in this case, the destruction of a mere child).

  • You Know
    You Know

    According to the medical establishment the worst thing that anyone could ever do is to seek the dreaded and cursed "alternative treatments." They would rather pronounce last rites over those whom they have deemed terminally ill victims than concede the possiblity that alternative medicine may help. No doubt many apostate Dubs would prefer to see the patient die too who has the audacity to decide for themselves how best they want to treat their illness. / You know

  • Gopher


    Quite the contrary. We "apostate dubs" have been hoping that the "shunned father" would succeed in getting his daughter the best possible care without interference from the JW's and their hospital liaision committee.

    The best outcome would have been for MIA to survive!! Sadly her medical condition has turned so that this unlikely despite anything that anyone can now try.

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