conspiracies, paranoia and the supernatural

by SpiceItUp 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • SpiceItUp

    I have a water cooloer at home and get the jugs delivered and last week discovered that 2 of my 3 bottles were "bad"--- they tasted a bit on the metallic side and caused a bit of a minor stomach bug to those who drank a full glass (only lasted an hour or so after drinking). I called the company and they are going to come out and replace them at no charge and mail me a report of anything they find in the water. The third bottle was fine. I have used this company for 3 years and this was the first experience like this ever.

    Then my dad makes the comment that maybe I should have it tested by the health department because it might be some kind of biological or chemical thing. I looked at him and said---I am paranoid enough not to worry about them getting to my water as well---If they want to do something to me I am sure they will find some way to get to me.

    This brought on the thoughts of all my paranoia and conspiracy theories as well as unexplained supernatural phenomenon. (I am sure the X-Files series didnt help me )

    Who here has thoughts like that-----does anyone believe---does anyone have theories of their own.

    I am very fascinated by these things (and yes I do have my own theories from the government to aliens etc.) and would love to hear any thoughts on the subject.

    Also---any ideas on metallic tasting water are welcome.

    Spice of "the always looking over her shoulder" class

  • SYN

    Spicey, you are already a member of UADNA, but you just don't know it yet. We use the mettalic tasting water to make you forgot our 5 weekly meetings and Field Service plans.

    Edited to add: It's THE DEEEMINZ!!!! THE DEEMINZ!!!! I TELL YOU!

    Edited by - SYN on 22 July 2002 12:43:35

  • avengers

    I'm a mechanical technician and have done maintenence at several water winning installations. When the water comes straight from the ground and is pumped up without having been filtered yet, then at some places, depending on the location the water is brown and has an excessive amount of iron particles. You can drink it, but it doesn't look or taste good. After being in touch with the air a lot, the particles then will sink and fall to the bottom, leaving clean water that can be filtered.

    There is a possibility that the water what you talked about could have been a batch that wasn't filtered right. Most of the time it causes no harm. But ofcourse there could be a conspiracy. Just a thought....................Andy

  • SpiceItUp
    There is a possibility that the water what you talked about could have been a batch that wasn't filtered right.

    I hope that all that it was. You never know any more---all sorts of things can be tested without us knowing.

    Sometimes I would like to be ignorant and blissful (except of coarse as a

  • Elsewhere

    Naaaa... if it was a bio/chem attach, you wouldn't have had time to post this thread!

  • 4skins

    Hi SpiceIt,

    Forgive me if I'm a little suspicious that you may be attemping to bait someone. Nevertheless, from what I've read and depending upon where one lives in the world, chemtrail aerial spraying is supposed to have aluminum or titanium or other metals which find their way earthward and eventually into water supplies. Hope this infor helps.

  • COMF

    Yes, absolutely! Always keep this firmly in mind:

    The fact that you are paranoid does not mean that everyone isn't out to get you.

  • SpiceItUp
    Forgive me if I'm a little suspicious that you may be attemping to bait someone.


    Actually this was an honest question. Now whetther you are too paranoid to believe me---thats another story....hee hee

    lol COMF----very true and for the most part I do keep it in mind

    (btw---as soon as I get the results from the water I will post the findings)

  • Kingpawn


    This brought on the thoughts of all my paranoia and conspiracy theories as well as unexplained supernatural phenomenon. (I am sure the X-Files series didnt help me )

    I'm an X Files fan too. But seriously, if the world governments had made contact with aliens, or knew "they" are real, I can see very good reasons to cover it up. Tim Good, in a book called Above Top Secret, lists several.

    One, since the vast majority of our sci-fi literature involves inevitable conflict with aliens who want the Earth, revealing the truth would induce panic.

    Economic disruption: suppose we were given a device that made cars run on water. The value of oil companies would plummet. Massive unemployment follows. This creates economic, social, and political instability worldwide. Countries like Mexico and Venezuela which depend heavily on oil revenues to repay debts might defaullt, creating worldwide banking crises, since banks loan to governments and each other.

    Some countries teach "the individual is nothing; the State is everything." If we knew aliens existed, we'd see ourselves as citizens of the world, not Eskimos, Filipinos, Uruguayans, and so on. Governments wouldn't like that.

    Suppose A has a UFO intact and B finds out about it. Heaven only knows what A might learn from studying the craft--including stealth technology, how such fantastic speeds are generated, and so on--and imagine A and B are historic enemies. Suppose A could adapt UFO technology to bombers capable of delivering atomic warheads quickly, unseen, and too fast for B to respond. What might B do beforehand to prevent that????

    Good also speculates that they may operate under a rule like the Federation's Prime Directive--do nothing to interfere with the normal development of a planet's inhabitants. If we the public knew, we might look to the "Space Brothers" to end our problems, not ourselves.

    Who here has thoughts like that-----does anyone believe---does anyone have theories of their own.

    Several accounts exist of some type of testing being done on us by them if stories are to be believed. Whitney Streiber, in his book Communion, believes an alien-human hybrid race is one goal, possibly for settling another planet. He said the creatures he believe abducted him (and his Dad and sister when he was younger, and more disturbing, possibly Streiber's son as well) are a colony creature. There's a central authority elsewhere giving orders. If so, putting them on a planet where their access to the "queen bee" might be cut off would doom the colony. So they try and breed initiative--which they lack--into this hybrid race to insure against that occuring.

    There are also stories of breeding between humans and aliens. The story of Antonio Villas Boas (think that's how it's spelled) comes to mind.

    There are valid reasons for being both a believer and a skeptic re: ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence).

    I am very fascinated by these things (and yes I do have my own theories from the government to aliens etc.) and would love to hear any thoughts on the subject.

    Do I believe? If one assumes the universe was created by a "Big Bang" then the same materials that led to our existence were scattered all through the cosmos. Second, unless one argues that in some areas different physical laws apply (theoretically possible, though I'm not a physicist) the same processes that created us could take place on other worlds. Third, the last I knew something like seventy other worlds have been found (or strong evidence exists for their existence) circling other stars (and maybe a few "rogues" wandering through space). So ETI's possible.

    By "ETI" I assume we're not talking about angesl, cheribum, etc.

  • SixofNine

    If anyone ever has contact with an alien, that person, by virtue of being human, will proclaim it to the world.

    It doesnt' matter who that person is, even if they are a CIA trained spy, they will be telling their story as loudly as possible.

    There would be no advantage to anyone, world leader or otherwise, to cover up such a thing. There would be every advantage to being the "first" to prove it.

    And all the "I'll rule the universe!!!!! muahhhaahahahaha" shit aside, humans simply cannot keep their mouths shut. Notice the rumours that fly behind the scenes of this very DB.

    Conspiracies, while not impossible, are nearly impossible. The more people who know, the more impossible they become. If some powerful world ruler with nefarious intent knows about aliens, how many other people have to know about it first, in order for said Dr. Evil to know? Lots. It hasn't happened.

    btw, while it doesn't run on water, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles do only produce water as the end result of their power generation. They are highly efficient, solve many of our current problems, and the big car companies are testing them. Slowly yes, resistantly yes, but they have not gone on conspiratorial rampage and killed the inventors and researchers, either. Far as I know, the technology was not given to us by a little green man named Zork.

    Edited by - SixofNine on 25 July 2002 15:38:3

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