I cry in private.As a child we were not allowed to cry.
Salty Streaks
by joannadandy 28 Replies latest jw friends
Just to add, I am not ashamed to cry in public. It is just that when a person wants me to cry, I hide it.
But I'll cry whenever I feel the need. I have let the tears run for an hour at an airport once...
And a good cry in the arms of someone who loves you is quit a relief.
I cry in private.As a child we were not allowed to cry.
god. that's just wrong. (((rubytuesday)))
Yeah but have any of you cried because you were so happy ?
Yes I have!
I cry in private.As a child we were not allowed to cry.
Did we have the same father---my was against all emotions.
I use the "I have something in my contacts" alot---I do not like people to see me cry. In the past 3 years maybe 2 people have seen me cry (and those people were very close to me)
This is a really vague question, there are a million reasons to cry, I am assuming they are intending you harm or pain. It may also be they are not. Crying is a very good emotional release when you are hurting, some people can not cry, they will just hold it inside and let the stress build up. Others are very good at feeling thier emotions and cry easily. I usually see no need to send out the desire for someone to cry just because I have cried. Crying is dealing with yourself and has little to do with anyone else.
The real issue may be, if someone intends me harm how do I deal with it? Do I strike out with a vengence, do I ignor them, do I roll over and do thier tricks, do I cry....... take a self defense class or try a couple years of karate and all this will change for you. How you react to attacks from others is all about learning your options. Attacks and reactions can be physical or emotional or both. Most JW's are ill equipped to deal with attacks because they have only been taught one option, roll over and become invisible, turn away and hide, submit to the greater force, and have no self confidence. Then cry in fear until you get over the pain. There are many options to deal with others who intend you harm, as you develop more self respect and a love of yourself as a good and worthy person, you will be less likely to cry over attacks from others because you will not allow them to harm you. Thier viewpoints just don't matter that much anymore to you, and you will find others to share your life with who respect you more and reflect your values back to you.
If someone is crying I usually am moved to hug or hold them, when I cry I don't try to hide it. The tears will stream down my face and who ever chooses to look is welcome to, I have learned that it is alright to cry. Feel, deal, and heal.
Edited by - libra_spirit on 23 July 2002 19:49:26
No discreet crying here. I just stand there and cry, blubbering and all.
Bona Dea
I cry in private.As a child we were not allowed to cry.
That's just plain wrong!! What kind of parent....ahh, nevermind. I know the answer already. I'm truly sorry. No child should have to experience some of the things some of our parents put us through (speaking for myself, anyway).
Yeah but have any of you cried because you were so happy ?
Oh yes. And what a wonderful feeling that is!! Odd that such opposite emotions (sadness/happiness) can sometimes extract the same reaction from us.
What I like is laughing so hard that I cry...like after a painfully funny joke. Now, that is a good laugh....