west palm beach, florida for the past 9 years... originally from pontiac, michigan.
Where are you ?
by sunshineToo 102 Replies latest jw friends
I am in northwest England, in between Manchester and Liverpool.
Upstate NY for the time being - still working on the big move to Dayton OH.
Also lived in Donegal, Ireland and Rugby, England
Ray Skyhorse
Behind the Redwood Curtain in Eureka, California.
Yikes! Lots of Massachusetts folks here!
I'm in Boston at the moment, then I get in car and go just outside of Boston and go home to bed (after I go to class and do an armload of errands, that is).
So Massachusetts is representing! Very nice. Of course, I'm not an exjw. So no Baystate apostofests for me Damn outcast that I am...
Hey, detective!
I have been to Boston a few times. I still remember the Museum of Fine Art and Boston Common. ;-)
My brother, who was never a JW, went to school in Boston. Which school are you going? He went to Boston University.
Living room right now....I was in the hallway before. I was in the kitchen earlier also.
Hi Sunshine too! I'll be passing by BU on my way out of here today so I'll give it a little wave for you! I've been out of college myself for a few years now so the class I'll be at tonight is more of a personal/professional enrichment type of class. Unfortunately, it's also mandatory attendance so I'm dragging my over-tired self there. Need...caffeine...pronto...
From the east to the west ....from the north to the south..............
Young Charlie Taze Russell started a movement to these 4 corners. See what you can do if your persistant!
Seattle....specifically in Seattle's capitol hill neighboorhood