For the record........Jesus Christ was right!

by The Devil 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • FiveShadows

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you mean i gotta go to them 'JEHOVAH'S '? ...they might try to brain wash me.... (thinks for a moment) ...all charges have been dropped. Good day Mr. Devil ~ FS p.s. damn you! (A.k.a. Devil's advocate)

  • 13th_apostate


    funniest reply I've read today to any post.

  • libra_spirit

    You said about the JW's-

    "that I am very happy with how they are progressing"

    For the record could you please explain how you could possible be happy about anything. I didn't think there was anything good in you at all, let alone a happy emotion. So I believe that you are possibly a fraud at this Devil impersonation stuff! Either that or you really are a mix of good and bad just like everyone else but don't want that to get out. Well good luck in the future anyway, hope things work out for you, but if you believe in God and Jesus as you state then things don't look so great for you, but thats OK don't get too depressed that you will be spending all that time in the lake of fire.

    Best wishes, Love and hugs,


    If you are going to walk through hell, then take the Light of God with you to illuminate the way! LOL!

    Edited by - libra_spirit on 23 July 2002 20:42:34

  • The Devil
    The Devil

    I am merely visiting the vatican city- I have some business to finalize with the pope. Dont get too excited he is just giving me his list of the worst transgressors so that I will leave him be for the next year.

    I will have to check my schedule but I dont believe I am due in Brooklyn until my quarterly meeting with the governing body. If I remember right thats not until September.

    Actually I can get very happy about many things. There is a big difference between being evil and being unhappy. (Didnt the jehovahs witnesses teach you anything). And let me tell you nothing makes my day more than meeting with the governing body, boy I cant wait for this next meeting. Reminds me of the time that I slipped and showed mr franz a peek at my face. Even though it wisened him up but oh the look on his face when he realized what he was really involved in. The laughs me and the demons had that night. good times.

    And actually the whole "Light of God" thing is just a rumor. I cant tell you why--maybe Jesus will. Nah--hes too scared to let out any family secrets.

    One more thing-Expatbrit-As my lawyer you should have been on top of this whole jesus christ thing earlier instead of making em come down to do the dirtiest work (the works of a lawyer). I just hate getting my hands that dirty but sometimes its just unavoidable. And now guess what- you remember that torture I promised you wouldnt get; well lets just say you better not let me down again.

    Despicably yours,


  • sunshineToo


    Since you are a "Newbie" at this board, maybe you should meet J.C. first. Where is J.C. anyway???? ;-)

  • The Devil
    The Devil

    Since you are saying that Jesus Christ and I are the same person, as mcuh fun as that would be for me I dont think he would enjoy it all that much. Boy that would be a funnie joke from God now wouldn't it. I am the master of disguise but pretending that I am JC is against the rules. So while I can pretend to be any poster here (with the exception of coarse being JC) you will never figure it out. MWUAHAHAH.

    And to rebut you--yes I have met JC many times. He is my half-brother. And we do not get along. I think thats because of his holier-than-thou approach.

    Either way you have given me more of a reason to stick around and have a little fun.

    Oh brother, Oh brother where are dont want these people confusing the two of us now do you?

    By the way - I got the looks in the family.


  • Vivamus

    Mmm, well Lucifer. You sound like someone whom I could really like. But don't start dishing Jesus now will you. He's Californian, and that's enough for me. wouldn't have a Californian streak in you as well, would you? I might change loyalty then.

  • sunshineToo

    J.C. is a Californian??????? And what's with "californian streak"????;-)

  • SpiceItUp

    The Devil is in the Vatican City? and Jesus has been officially names as a Californian? I thought Jesus was a

    LMAO...funnie guys...

    I think I already know who Jesus really is...and now I have to figure out the Devil too... shouldnt be too hard I imagine

    Whats with this Californian "streak" anyway----Is it what I think it is??

    Spice of the getting to the bottom of this class

  • SYN

    Oh no. I nearly spewed coffee all over my monitor again (21", it's a PAIN to clean up afterwards LOL) when I saw who the author of this thread was...

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