I believed. *shudder*
by Mary 50 Replies latest jw friends
When I was first married and moved to arizona from southern calif. and very young hearted, I put a fake rubber rattlesnake on top of the bookbag of a sister in front of us at the meeting. The song hadn't started yet and I knew when we stood to sing she would reach in her bookbag. Well..........she screamed......real loud...I got real embarrased............and her and her husband pretty much hated my guts after that.
I was running the sound system in my little compartment in the corner of the hall and was bored so I started playing my gameboy. Well I didn't realize that the public talk was over and realized that all I heard was complete silence. I looked up and everyone was standing and staring at me so I pushed the button to play the music. I was able to hide the gameboy before the elder closest to me came over.
Deli King
Conducted the WT bloody drunk!
I was dared to go into the guys bathroom. I did and my father met me on the other side of the door---I hadn't made it out yet! I got a beating right outside the hall for that one.
Ever show up for one, that's what.
Ok. Do any of you guys remember a LLLLOONNG time ago....the song about the paradise that sounded Hawaiian? It was the last song in the OLD pink paperback songbooks.
I don't know if they still have that song or not. I was about 3 yrs old and remember vividly. My parents were facing forward, singing from their songbooks and I stood up behind them on the chair and started dancing the hoola slowly to the beat. I WAS 3 YEARS OLD PEOPLE. anyway, the sisters in the back were laughing and laughing so i kept dancing, thinking, "i must be cute". Well, mom and dad turned around and caught me doing the hoola.....the took me to the bathroom and whacked me good.
man....every time i heard that song after that...i stood as stiff as a board (although inside, i STILL wanted to hoola!)
Well it's not MY "worst thing" ...but it's actually a Co's. This happened in Pa and the hall needed new lights in the kingdom hall because the lights were getting very old and "out of style." So they called the CO up to take care of this matter and the CO decided to get these lights that hung DOWN from the ceiling on a rod...and at the end of the rod it had the actual lights in a shape of A Ball. After the completion of the entire kingdom hall's lighting situation...the CO came to visit. He apparently went up to the plat form and the first thing out of his mouth was "so how do you like my balls?" Needless to say the entire congregation was on the floor laughing so hard (figurtively speaking) and the CO was still clueless as to why this congregation had begun to laugh hysterically for "no apparent reason." .....what a crackhead ~ FS
At a circuit assembly in montreal many moons ago, in a high school auditorium I had my tape recorder on. any way for some reason I somehow ended up rewinding the tape and then it stopped so I pushed play and the volume was so high it was heard through out the whole auditorium, and of course everyone is looking to see where this sound is coming from, and I am trying like hell to shut it off and I can't find the dam volume and by now I am a nervous wreck and everyone who is sitting around me are laughing and I'm freaking out. I jumped out of my seat and you never seen anyone run out of a room so fast in your life. It was an experience I will never forget.
: Ok. Do any of you guys remember a LLLLOONNG time ago....the song about the paradise that sounded Hawaiian? It was the last song in the OLD pink paperback songbooks.
: don't know if they still have that song or not. I was about 3 yrs old and remember vividly.
Yeah, I remember the OLD pink songbook from a LLLLOONNNG time ago. It was called "Singing and Accompanying Yourselves With Music in Your Hearts," or something close to that as I recall. I believe it was introduced in 1966. I know it was still being used in 1972 when I left the dubs.
By the way, I had been playing the even OLDER green songbook at Kingdom Hall meetings for a full SIX years when the OLD pink songbook was introduced.
OLD, pink songbook eh? Pflooooooey!