Once the visiting brother asked Jehovah to forgive us our falling shorts during the final prayer and lost it. I got an elbow to the ribs
I slapped a chick in the face. (I was 3) My mom made an audio recording of me just talking, where she asked me what we did at meetings, and I said "we do not hit people at the meetings" I figure that must have been recorded after my Zsa Zsa Gabore moment.
When I was four I tripped on my shoes and fell down the stairs at the kingdom hall. BOOM-TUMBLE TUMBLE.
My father was conducting the bookstudy and asked "So what are some identifying features of Jehovahs Peeper (he was supposed to ask people) and I again lost it so bad tears were streaming down my face.
There is a passage in the NT where a leaper falls on his face before Jesus. I leaned over to my dad and said "Ewwe, like he tripped over it?" And he lost it. And quickly rebuffed me by finding a scripture where Jesus is dealing with another leaper and the next line is "so he stretched out his hand"...to which he said "Now that's gross" And I lost it. My mom hated when I sat by my dad.
Other than that I was the perfect little dub...