Shunning? What About The Children??

by Tish 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • SweatPea
    SweatPea was the same way with my girls after I was disfellowshipped. My mother didnt shun them but she didnt pay them any attention either. She never called them or had them spend time with her. She wouldnt even keep them for me if I needed to go somewhere. Id ask her and she would say NO. Ill never forget the time my two girls and three of my sisters girls all were sitting around the dining room table. My mother was handing out Avon stuff [she sold Avon and had bunches of demos] to my sisters three. My two received nothing! My girls asked me why did Grandma L______ not give them anything. My girls are grown women now with their own families. My mother is still living. Im sure when she passes on there will be no tears in my girls eyes. The love was never there from her to them.

    I have two grand daughters myself and I cannot imagine life without them. They are my world. I love finding notes around the house after they leave that say, I love you MawMaw. I want them to know how much they are loved.

  • SYN

    This rascal salutes you!

  • irish00

    It is very ture, when one leaves i would feel sad but most in the cong just said jehovah cleans the cong and we need not be sad they just could turn their love on and off as they wanted i never could undstand this love.

  • da_luvvin_bruvva

    Oh Tish.......oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Tish.........

    This is so, so, so common in that God foresaken Borganization we so totally bought as our lord and saviour. I resigned my "position" nearly 3 years ago, and what my wife went through with da so called "luvvin bruvva's" when I stopped going to da meetinz is a travesty of humanity.

    When I read your post, it brought back so many memories of my wife's pleadings, tears, and her total despair at the way she was just left to her own devices cos da luvvin elda's told her that as an "appointed" man, it was my responsibility to get her and our 3 kids (7, 5, 2) to the 'spiritual banquet set before us @ da meetinz.

    But nonetheless, in a way, I can only thank the Lord that her treatment by da luvvin bruvva's made her question the 'love' that we were always being reminded of.

    My wife was raised in da dubbs (JayDubbleYou......dubbleYou....dubbs.......oh never mind!), all her family are still, allegedly in da trooof, though again, I can only thank the Lord that half of them are now starting to raise their own doubts. But it was a torture for her at first cos she's one of 8 sista's, and one bruvva, and overnight, even long before she herself got disinfranchised from da luvvin Bruvvahood, lost all contact with her nieces and nephews; our kid's cousins in other words. No longer did our kids hove cousins as we were now 'apostates' cos we started going on an Alpha course at a Christian Church.

    I don't really wanna go on too long on here as I'd fill a couple of reams of paper with our saga, so, all I can say, is that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Not 'new light', but the 'real' light. No doubt we could compare notes on our experiences, especially my wife, so if you ever need to talk about what you've been through, she'd be more than happy to help. I don't know how long you were in the Borg, my wife was in it for nearly 33 years, and 10 for me, so we've come to really appreciate the love and support we've found throughout the UK of people who've been in similar situations.

    For me, I could have easily been happy with them just leaving us alone, but no, after having been 'seen' going into a Church, the luvvin elda's decided to come round to 'conduct their enquiries' after nearly 2 years of not so much as even a 'hello, are you still alive?' from them. What a story that turned out to be I tellya, but in short, in ended up with our "disassociating ourselves" (we didn't, but thats what they announced anyway).

    One thing's for sure, we've found out that the so called scum of the universe; 'the worldly people' that we were not supposed to 'associate' with, are not so scum after all, in fact, we've found that 'worldly' people are just that- worldly; real. Not sureal, from the planet Xargon somewhere in Delta Quadrant. Unfortunately, when you get mixed up in an elitist society like da dubbin network, you can easily get caught up in the 'holier than thou' mindset. I mean, I got to meet some really nasty pieces when dealing with some of the body of E's. I just got so knocked by their lies, deceit, kniving and sometimes, just downright evil minded. Some of them were so far up their chocolate starfish that it used to leave me feeling that there was no way that Jehovah's Holy Spirit appointed this set of frustrated Cardinals. I used to beg Jehovah to help me overcome my feelings of doubt, but the more I begged, the more I seemed to get more and more doubts and concerns come up into my mind.

    Anyway, I'm getting myself into a frenzy here, so I'm gonna stop, and sorry if I've woffled on.

    I pray that you will be helped. Not by the dubbs, cos that'll only be conditional. I mean real love and help from others that have been in similar situations; help on here, support groups, and no doubt even new friends that you will, you will, you will (3 times for emphasis, remember that?) meet.

    So go on, Love your kids Tish. Love life Tish. Love God and start loving yourself again, cos I bet for so long, you too felt you were just not good enough, guilty and full of fear and despair for the future.

    View this as the start to a whole new world. A whole new life. And a whole new wonderful opportunity for you and your kids to find new friends that will love you for you, and not for how many hours you're knocking on doors, or how many times you attend da luvvin meetinz, or ansa up, or what you're wearing and why you're wearing it, how you wear make up like you do and why you've done your hair like you did, or what colour highlighter pens you've used for your WT study, or which people you 'associate' with, or don't, and on and on and on......

    Let people love you for being you Tish, you deserve it and so do your kids.

    Tish, I wish you God's Love in your new journey.

    Just remember this.......You cannot discover new oceans, unless you're prepared to lose sight of the shore. (Ain't that cute?)

    Loadsa luv from da luvvinly luvved luvvin bruvva that was so luvvinly luvved by da luvvinly luvved luvvin bruvvahood of luvvinly luvved luvvin bruvva's.


    Edited by - da_luvvin_bruvva on 24 July 2002 22:37:12

  • blacksheep

    I'm very sorry about your situation. Yes "loving brotherhood" as long as you live within the very, very narrow confines of their rules. It IS amazing to see their heartless treatment, esp where kids are involved. I've been out of the org for many years now, have a 2 year old and am expecting another baby in a month. It's caused my JW family to do all sorts of emotional cartwheels, so that they can try to see them on their terms (even be there for the birth); all the while not approving of me. Sorry, doesn't work that way. You cannot treat mommy like crappola but try to fake a loving relationship with her kids (they're potential recruits after all).

    The bottom line is they MADE their choices. They are trying to get you to live by THEIR rules, which is neither fair nor wise. In my mind, your responsiblity is to love yourself, love your children, and try to shield them from the emotional turmoil and sickness that permeats this religion. Best of luck!!!!

  • waiting

    Welcome to our forum, Tish - and sorry about the situation that has you here.

    For all the WTBTS writes, children aren't important to them unless accompanied by serving adults. And only then because those same adults take care of those children. This attitude dribbles down to the locals.

    Besides, df'ing is so uncomfortable for most thinking people. If they associate with your kids, they "might have to talk" to you - and how uncomfortable that would make them! Better just to ignore the whole family. God forbid if we make them uncomfortable.

    The WTBTS has drilled into the jw's head for so many years "It's better to obey than sacrifice." Saul? So the locals close their minds and hearts and obey.


  • Matty


    It's just plain awful what you've been through, let's hope both your family and mine come to their senses some day soon. All I can say is that you're doing the right thing for your children, they won't have the crap life we had, and soon enough they will recognise what's really going on! Kids need the freedom to express themselves. Sure, we had some good times in the circuit when we were teens, but it's all relative, and I'm sure you can see the wider picture now about how "wonderful" it is to be brought up in the troof!

  • animal

    30 years later and I am still not accepted... but thats fine. I have the power... I wont speak to my mother now, as long as she is a JW. My kids neither like her nor want to see her (yes they have met). They know my background, and that I dont like her.

    Your roots start with you, and your kids. Once that sinks in, you will be doing fine. It is thier loss, not yours.


  • Krazylady


    I am so sorry to hear about the pain they are inflicting on your children. It is a form of "theocratic warfare". They hurt you and control you through your children. I remember when my sister told Mom that she wasn't going to the meetings anymore. Mom grabbed a rifle and pointed at my sister's baby. She said she might as well kill her now as wait for Jehovah to do it at armageddon. She told my sister and I that all children outside of the organization would die. Only children whose parents were in good standing with the JW's would survive. Since I was dissassociated, I was dead and so were my children. Well, I kept sending my kids to the hall and oh God, how I wish I had NOT done that! I guess it was ok in their minds to rape dead kids. (Isn't there a biblical law regarding necrophilia? Maybe not) Anyhow, my advice to you is>>>KEEP YOUR CHILDREN AWAY FROM THE KINGDOM HALL. You never know what kind of pervert lurks there.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Tish first - Nice to meet you

    And boy do I hear you. They did the same to my kids when I was DFed. The girls were even living with their father but they were "marked" as bad association because of me. It caused both of them to leave - which in the end was a good thing. But it was a pain I wished they hadn't gone through. My girls were 8 and 12 and old enough to recognize what was happening and why

    Take care of yourselves and the little ones and welcome here

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