What has been said up to now about the JW Elders taking direction from the Governing Body to not be the worlds police and also protecting the image of the organization is all true, but only part of the root cause of the problem ... until the root cause is cured, child molesters and other criminals among Jehovah's Witnesses will go unreported ... and this will lead to their demise as an organization.
The root cause of the problem is this: JWs, and no less the Elders, believe that they are:
Jehovah's Organization
Jehovah's Covenant People
Jehovah's Servants
Jehovah's Congregation
Jehovah's Nation
Jehovah's Channel of Communication
Jehovah's Source of Truth
Jehovah's Agency
And, they have Jehovah's Spirit, Direction, Guidance, Approval, Blessing, Love, and ... THE ONLY CURE FOR ALL THE ILLS OF ALL HUMANKIND !!!
Just where else could a JW Pedophile ever get True Help, Jehovah's Spirit, and have any hope of being CURED? ... and what will truly help a JW Pedophile in these last days, more than anything the WORLD under Satans Direction could do? When I tried to first report a JW pedophile, this is what I was told, that by reporting it would not help the JW Pedophile, but isolate him from the only source of real help ... and then added that we are not the world's police, etc. and the CO said not to report.
The All-Important Cure for JW Pedophiles to get Jehovahs Spirit is to:
Attend Meetings, Assemblies, and Conventions regularly
Study the publications of the FDS (GB)
Associate with Jehovah's People
Prepare for the Meetings, especially the Watchtower Study
Comment at Meetings
Share in Preaching the Good News of Jehovah's Kingdom
Pray to Jehovah the True God for His Spirit and Help
If the Society, through its Elders were to really take the time and energy to report JW Pedophiles to the Worldly Authorities, this would be a MOST SERIOUS ADMISSION ... that is:
It would be an admission that Jehovah and His organization and Jehovah's Spirit were all inadequate
to really help a JW Pedophile. And, while having an effect on their IMAGE ... It would have a FAR GREATER AFFECT ON THIER CORE BELIEFS ABOUT THEIR ROLE IN HUMAN AFFAIRS AND THEIR STANDING EBFORE THEIR GOD JEHOVAH ... it would also be an Admission that in order to get real help, the WORLD, whom they view as directly under Satan's control is BETTER EQUIPPED to deal with Pedophiles, and has a better understanding of the problem. When a person or their group CORE BELIEFS are seriously attacked, they tend to circle the wagons of denial and fight rather then admit they are in error and accept defeat.
This is the reason that the WTS, its GB, and Elders, and JW members cannot report JW Pedophiles to the authorities, because the ultimate risk to their beliefs is at stake... and with that may also be the fear of civil lawsuits, which if successful, could bring financial ruin to Jehovah's Organization. While the leadership may be more concerned with the money, however, the average JW and local Elders would see this as Jehovah's punishment and maybe withdrawal of his support for their Organization, or possibly they would go deeper into denial and see this as Satan persecuting them.
Either way, they lose ... and the only thing that will get them out of this rut will be to either wise up and see the Organization and its core beliefs as the problem, or for the Organization to lead them to a better, more moderate place in their spiritual journey.
Edited by - Amazing on 24 July 2002 14:59:52