I never wondered about the online downloads at all. There are many downloadable operating systems like Linux from UNIX that are free but then again they have the manual on a website. It would be a good idea for those who live way out in the wild or outback to have the Bible. But if they are way out in the wild they better have a laptop.
The New World Translation should be available to all but then again that is why the Witnesses have assigned territory. Also, the Bible should be used with a Bible study with one of Jehovah's Witnesses if at all possible. It is still possible to obtain a full understanding of God's word by yourself; but it is an encouragement to have a Bible study group. One of the criteria for being an active witness would be going to meetings unless they need to live in a bubble. After this knowledge is obtained most people love to share what they found with others. Just think about how much more knowledge that can be shared if everyone knew about the Bible. We only live for a short period of time then we die. We will still know what we know now except for bad memories when the resurection begins. That will be a time for study of the Bible indeed! Being perfect would really help Bible students. At that time most people will have enough knowledge to combat Satan.