Who am I again?

by Bleep 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Bleep

    Who am I!!!!! Ahhhhh!

    YOU ARE A COG. Cope, whippersnapper, Blep, Troll, bla bla bla, Sad
    Bitter Lonely, You bullshit, troll boy, YOU and your beliefs APOSTATE, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, goose-stepping JW with little or no brain whatsoever, Are you completely Assimilated, You're a JW, Watchtower drivel, a short high-pitched sound (as from electronic equipment, *Bleep* *Bleep*, Why dont you just *Bleep* yourself, your *Bleep* *Bleep* *Bleep* lies, Another question, do you keep the 10 Commandments?, Rest of prayer etc. etc. etc. blah blah blah., "paradise earth" crap, "Self Righteous-Intollerant-Elitist-Bigots" JW's, Yahweh was one of many names for a primary pagan "god", Blah , blah , blah blah., please show support for your very strange theory, do you have trouble understanding, FLAW, TRUE Christians?, you're wasting memory, And it is drivel, It's NOT in the Bible I looked it up, talking out-of-your-ass, you are an asshole, I KNOW HOW TO PLAY YOUR STUPID GAME AND BEAT YOU AT IT, DUMMY!, You dubs are SO transparent and simple-minded., "twit," twit., "it" (he/she), Throwing a 'hissy fit", "It"'s master beeeee....Satan?, might cause 'ruffled feathers'.

    OR, Am I this.....?

    "Blessed are the gentle: they shall have the earth as inheritance." "Blessed are the peacemakers: they shall be recognised as children of God." - Matthew 5:4 & 9 (NJB).

  • Bang

    At the moment, I think that you're getting to this bit Bleep.

    He took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town.


  • Bleep

    Jesus emphasized that, next to love of God, love of neighbor should govern our lives. (Mathew 22:34-40 NWT) But has any group of people ever truly loved their neighbors? Early Christains did! They were noted for the love they had for others. -John 13:34, 35.

    What about today? Is Christlike love practiced by anybody? The Encyclopedia Canadiana observes: "The work of Jehovah's Witnesses is the revival and re-establishment of the primitive Christianity practised by Jesus and his disciples...All are brothers."

    I am sure that Jehovah's Witnesses are not the ONLY ones that feel this way. Any bible reading is better than no bible reading. A modern translation using the Christian Greek or Hebrew scriptures will do.

    The more brothers and sisters I have the better. Making Satan a liar will enough reward.

  • Cassiline

    Bleep asks,

    Who am I!!!!! Ahhhhh!~~Bleep

    s/he responds with several choices,

    Self Righteous-Intollerant-Elitist-Bigot~~Bleep
    I think the above fits quite nicely Bleep. You were spot on about your own self perception. I think you are making wonderful progress.
  • dungbeetle

    You are an apologist for a religion about which it will be said in the Encyclopoedia Britannica in a few years:

    Jehovah's Witnesses...the religion that stood accused of keeping identities and acitivities of rapists from the authoritites AND sending these same rapists to the public's front doors.


    The bottom line is Bleepie, that Christians are warned that when a propecy is spoken, and it doesn't come ture, run don't walk in the other direction. Watchtower admitted, in the 1993 book "Proclaimers of God's Kingdom" that they had prophesied falsely.

    You should have left. You did not. Now you will pay the price becasue you did not follow the true God.

  • willy_think

    I don't think you are so bad. I know your only a kid trying to do what you think is good and that's cool but if you say something you must back it up, that's the way it is. If you cut and past a quote people will look at it and talk about it, they will expect you to explain or defend it. EVERY poster has the same responsibility for his/her comments. think about what you expound as truth, if it stands in the light good, if not that is something you will need to think more about.

  • DakotaRed
    Jesus emphasized that, next to love of God, love of neighbor should govern our lives. (Mathew 22:34-40 NWT)

    Now, reconcile your statement with shunning and covering up of the pedophiles!

    Lew W

    Watchtower Decruit


    You are a manipulative troll who wouldn`t know the truth if it were a flaming telehone pole stuffed up your ass side ways.Hope that helps...OUTLAW

  • COMF
    OR, Am I this.....?

    Nah. You had it right the first time.

  • AuntieJane

    Who are you? Golllly, Just read your bio,

    "A Brother from Pittsburgh. I keep God's Principles in my every day life."

    Oh really?.

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