by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ..."I'm not joking, not even a drag on a cigarette or uttered a swear word!"....

    Maybe no swearing and smoking sister Pris, but what about your drug abuse and rampant sex life!!

  • Prisca


    That all started after I met YOU!

  • Dismembered

    We were "foundation stones"!

  • SYN

    Seems everyone here was a good example except ME! I was the worst Witness you could get. Towards the end, I NEVER went out on FS, I always hung out with "worldly" kids (not the stuck-up ones in the KH eheh), I swore like a sailor, you name it.

    Geesh, I feel left out

    But it seems the Tower is bleeding all it's good people to the Dark Side. WOOHOO!


    When I moved to another congregation, one of the brotherss that knew me asked would I mind having a book study at my home. He said talk it over with your wife and get back to me soon. He would ask me evertime he saw me. Then one Sunday I told him it was fine. He then told me that before I could have a Book Study at my home I would need to get my field service time up. Like one has something to do with the other. I went from being a good example to being a bad example in a couple of weeks.

    I was good enough to sell those watchtowers but not good enough to have a book study in my home. Maybe it was a good thing. I haven't gone to a book study in months and if it was here at my home I would be there every Tuesday!!!!


  • arachnia

    My parents got me in the "big sister" program at about age 11-12, had a sister about 6 years older than me come over to study every week, take me in field service, take me to the meetings when they didn't go (turns out they were doing the fade-away whilst leaving me quite "in") and take me to JW-approved social events. "Make sure your child gets brainwashed/indoctrinated by a crazy religion and then YOU won't have to worry about them getting preggers, doing drugs, etc.etc." was apparently their thinking. So by the time I was 16 and getting baptised, I was held as an example because I was doing it all despite my parents being practically inactive. All the kids in my congregation except for me and one other (we are talking about 15-20 people here) ended up in some sort of judicial trouble (they were just being normal teens, looking back...) Auxillary pioneered in the summer, reg pioneered out of high school. Then...the summer afterwards, I started dating my (now-ex) husband. THAT made for trouble. Suddenly I wasn't a good example. Well, I guess I understand, as after six years of marraige to him I finally believed my mom and his mother's suspicions that he was, in fact, gay, and just refused to confront it. Thus, the prefix ex-. ;)

    But all along I had a rebellious streak that they were trying to tame. Glad it finally got the better of me. :D

  • zenpunk

    I tried and I tried, pioneering etc., even brought people in the truth (not too happy about that one now) - but, still I didn't quite fit the mold. Whenever they had a program on the platform highlighting the upstanding pioneers, etc., I was always at my seat.

  • 13th_apostate

    I was considered a very good example for a while. I was a very quiet, intelligent, shy kid. a lot of people in my local cong were "amazed" at my "ability to grasp the deeper things of the publications." (yeah, like it was hard to underline obvious answers to their shallow questions). in retrospect, I guess they wanted to fast track me to serve as an elder or MS. only thing was, I never got baptised. I was the "good son" and went to the meetings like my mom wanted me too, but once I had studied the requisite books, I didn't feel like it was right or that I was ready. all I knew was that I was not ready for this "big committment" that they wanted me to. they always kept putting out the idea of going to bethel like it was a better idea than college. I for the life of me could not figure out how having every moment of your day planned out, living with strangers, and working for practically nothing was something to aspire to. my mom raised myself and my two younger sisters alone and we were poor more times than we weren't growing up. I did not want to live hand to mouth all my life. bethel seemed to my young mind the sure road to continued poverty. of course all the other kids my age sort of shunned me because they thought I was a "know it all". it took years before I was able to glimpse their double lives and what really went on at circuit and district conventions. they smoked, drank, had sex; they did more partying at district conventions than kids did in movies. that really blew my mind. of course no one thought to ask if I wanted in on the fun. :( anyway, I was considered a very good example until I moved out of the house and did a quick fade. I think because of my perceived intelligence (there were rumors going about my cong that I had read the entire Aid to Understanding the Bible book from cover to cover), the elders never really pursued me after I left. I mean, I was even a book study reader by that point. but once I quit, I never went back. I dont know if I kept my "good standing" after I left or not.


  • ve9gra

    Will: Can I ever relate!!! The only difference I can see between me and you is that at 15 I took the plunge.... Boy was I in for a let down...

  • Mary

    Yep, I was considered a "good example".........always regular in service and at meetings, gave good comments, pioneered, was single, parts at the assemblies.............

    Now I'm a poster for "Don't Let This Happen To You.........."


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