writerpen's thread on "What irritates you?" seemed to be leaning towards the automobile as a major source of irritability.
I agreed with everyone's irritabilities and realized that the only time I am screaming mad is in the car.
Just yesterday I had to have my brakes "rotared" or something like that. It had a wiggle in the front and they explained it could be heat build up from slamming on the brakes. I have 7500 miles on my car and have had to slam on the brakes twice because an idiot with a cell phone stuck to their head, turned into on-coming traffic without looking. My car being the on-coming one.
I turned it loose. I screamed, called them names and mouthed words I knew they could read. For the first time, on the second occurance, I actually got in front of them and slammed on my brakes so they had to stop. (I know, very stupid) But I got their attention. Then as I drove off I thought how ridiculous I was to let some idiot control my emotions that way. Then within a few more miles of driving, I got mad again at the stupidity of people who do not pay attention and cause accidents.
The worst incident of screaming at someone occured when I lived in California. I lived approximately 10 miles from work and it took approximately 45 minutes to get there...at 5:15 am. I started work at 6:00 am and if you were 1 minute late, you were docked 15 minutes pay.
As I drove to work one morning I got on the highway and was immediately enveloped by traffic (this is now about 5:50 am). I was behind a Mercedes (big one) and could not cut over to pass. The car was going about 40 in a 55 mile zone. I started yelling at the person and mouthed "Read My Lips...You Are a FucXing idiot." I yelled some more and tried to pass. About 3 minutes passed while I was behind this vechicle, which seemed like an hour. All I could see were 15 minutes of docked pay.
Finally I was able to cut into traffic and pass. I looked over to glare at the driver and I was looking into my manager's face!!! I almost cried.
I got to work, ran into the building, sat down and started working. I told a few co-workers about it and they were all surprised. Our boss did not have a Mercedes. No one at our company, in ur division, could afford a Mercedes.
2 hours into my shift, my manager, Christine walked over. She stopped, looked at me and said "Oh, by the way, I CAN read lips." And she walked away. I thought I was going to be fired.
She came by later and apologized for driving slow. She was in her boyfriends car and was not paying attention--she said she was thinking about how nice it would be to be married to him. I apologized and she was very gracious. I did not get fired.
I did this same thing again 10 years later at a local bank, where I live now. A man in a Mercedes SUV cut me off in the bank parking lot. He acted liked he owned the bank. I called him a FucXing idiot and a few more choice phrases. As he drove past me I looked at his license plate. I thought I could report his horrible driving....I was staring into the license plate of the CEO of my husband's company. His license plate is the company name.
I came home, told my husband and he was horrified. He made me go over, step by step, what happened. "did he look you in the eye?" "Did he look at you?" I could say no to both. I had not yet met the man. My husband joined the company a few months prior. I did see him however and gave my husband a very clear picture of what he looked like. Yes, it was him...and his vanity plate.
I actually just met the CEO a few weeks ago. My husband and I were in the local mall and all of a sudden he stops and says "Michael, hello, great to see you." I looked up into the face of the CEO. He introduced himself and said I looked familiar!!!
Third times a charm. I did it again a few months ago. A woman in a Lexus SUV cut me off by making a left hand turn right in front of me. I again had to swerve and brake or I would have hit her. I was stuck behind her and called her the same names I call everyone behind the wheel.
I took my usual way home and as I was sitting at a stop sign the SUV drives by. The woman in the SUV, obviously recognizing my car, looks directly at me and I am looking into the face of my neighbor. She lives about 4 houses down. I have never seen her car...until that day. She looked at me and recognition struck.
The moral of the story is....make sure you don't know the head/car in front of you when yelling obcenities. Even if you don't recognize it, it is a small, small world.
edited for typo...Opps, I did it again!
Edited by - puffsrule on 25 July 2002 18:45:53